Wednesday, June 13, 2007

..ah and then someone is nice to me

following on from the last post..i refuse to continue that last post cos it was TOOOO i will have to do a double post
..the windscreen guy after saying he couldnt fit me in this arvo...and im desperate..i need the car done so my brother in law can pick me up from getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow..... decided if i came right then he would do it for me...yay windscreen guy (Instant Windscreens -if you ever need one) ive used them twice this year..different i took it up there ...wandered around preston for a while...and thn decided to just be a geek and do a cryptic crossword in the foyer..
he paid me quite a few compliments too(and i can tell you im not complaining..i dont care if it was my feminine wiles that helped me get my car fixed today..sorry boys..unfair advantage)
anyway..i cant remember the last time i got called pretty(if ever) i think people who know me,realise that im not pretty..when you fall over every second day in a bridget jones-esque manner it just doesnt equate to pretty..(oh yeah and the horrible monster teeth..LOL)
oh yeah..note to self..when taking a jumper off over your walking.. there was no way you were not going to hit the doorknob rather hard..DUFUS

so pool session..
um apparently i have super powers..seriously...I am INVISIBLE
this guy literally coming straight towards me..i had to lean flat against hte wall..(called out to be careful)then hes coming up behind me and i had to dive for the wall at the last minute AGAIN.. i signalled over to the pool guard who fortunately came and told him i was there and he shifted lanes..who'd ever have thought water running to be so dangerous. LOL
1 hour in the pool.. simply freezing getting out..i thought i saw ems car when i arrived and was all excited but no..couldnt spot her
tutor boy forgot to tell me he didnt need i went and had fish n chips and enjoyed every minute of it... im about to be eating pumpkin soup for the next few days

jo puts on her reflective hat
I am not a negative person. I will not be a negative person..I have MOMENTS of negativity. i am not an unlucky person.I have loads of good stuff that happens.yes, ive been hit by a bus,cyclist,tram,rollerbladed into trees,fallen down stairs, had a needle in my belly for 10 years(to name just a few) and always managed to walk away from it. so would i rather be an even keeled person without all the ups and downs. ABSOLUTELY NOT! ill take the good with the bad thanks.. my life is pretty good, abeit a tad unpredictable.. :)
and lastly if someone smashing my windscreen..means that silly, angry person doesnt then go and beat up some old guy..well then im prepared to have that smashed windscreen


Mark said...

I know what you mean. I went swimming yesterday Damn cold!

Anonymous said...

Aghhh, sorry about your back window, that truly does suck, wanton destruction is so frustrating.

Sorry I missed your call, I would have been just finishing up when you rang.

I hope all goes well tomorrow.

And yeah, all fair haired chicks with freckles are pretty, that's a given :-)

Kathryn said...

Stupid vandalism is always annoying. I think I'd rather someone stole from me, at least it'd make more sense than just wrecking stuff. But, like you say, you can't get all worked up about it or it'd drive you mad.