Sunday, June 17, 2007

..its not sugar n spice

..girls are supposed to be sugar n spice and all thigns nice...
nup.. i am so over sickly sweet mush(as in food) eeeeyuk.. spent ages checking out sugar content today..cos im a savoury carbo girl..not refined ones either... i wouldnt like to think what i might do if i saw someone eating a wholemeal sandwich..
..but i did find some baby mush- lasagne with no preservatives sugars or anything yukky added..and i had tinned spaghetti for lunch.. i know im not eating enough..if it was for the medication needing to be taken with be eating even less..
..and im hungry..but i dont like to eat stuff unless i feel like..i never decide dinner until at least during that day..
..running..running running..the highlight of the day :)

i did 30 minutes today! woohoo..yes it was idea of distance..someone was playing footy on my aths track i went to somewhere else which had 3 distinct green patches including an oval for me to run around..,made the time go way quicker... my core fatiguing aboutn 18 mins but stuck it out til 24(just had to keep reminding myself),,then walk,then 6 more mins very 30 mins..
core is feeling way stronger...must less effort to engage..i feel like im running taller square jaw is becoming slightly less square..even better..still pretty sore.. and yes htew dentist did say i couldnt run for 4-5 days..but well thursday to sun is kinda 4 days if you count thursday as being day i reckon its cool

oh yeah my physio had said i need to be running for 20 mins straight..which is why i did 24(at least 4kms) so im pretty sure i will be allowed to do a fartlek style of run at geelong on sat..double woohoo... oh of course contingent upon back pulling up ok..its a bit niggly when i pick stuff up...felt brilliant while running

oh and SARA..awesome run today..HIGH FIVE!
hopefully stu went well in the half and legs held out for 10km pacing and
also hope Andrew went well in the half as well.


MorseyRuns said...

Great work with the running Jo- you are on the comeback trail. I just had gnocci(?) for dinner- and I was pretty happy with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, it will make the weight challenge easier this week :-)

30 minute run, woo hoo, well done. I'll be seeing you in Geelong, I'll still be team mascot though.

Anonymous said...

Just had a thought, if you like savoury could you manage a dahl (lentil curry)? It is about the same "mushiness" as tinned spag and a hell of a lot more tasty. I am sure there is an Indian takeaway near you, they are every where.

jojo said...

yeah great idea em..still.trying not to put on avoiding take-away like the plague... any type

JH said...

That song's a load of rubbish. I'm a boy, and I'm not made of frogs and snails - far from it.

That being said - my used running shorts do smell a little like puppy-dogs tails sometimes, or so I'm told.

Celeste said...

Just catching up on the wisdom teeth saga. I can remember when my hubby had his out. Wasn't he a little Mr Cranky pants.

I seem to remember lots of mashed potato and ice cream (not together though!). I'm more of a jelly person.

Keep that "slow" (LOL!!!!) running going.