run run run run
well.... on thursday- i wasnt quite sure if i would be able to run today. apologies for being such a sooky la la-but to be honest i was in a helluva lot of pain.. a bucketload of wines later(cos i couldnt sit down-could only lay on the ground :( ) got me to an acceptable pain level..whe the back decided to play like that-it is about the only thing which alleviates it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..anyway lets ostrich on that front for a while..its in not so good phase-it will come out of it..and it was slightly better on friday and then a bit better again today...i am sitting as we type..woo hoo!!!
so racing at bundoora.OMG HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW tough is that course... i was very happy in the end with 4:42min/kms only 2 s perkm slower than geelong so all in all i would have to say a better run.... some absolute killer repetitive hills..a 2km lap followed by 3km lap followed by 3km lap...!!!!!!!!!!!!! so very happy with my run....very happy i COULD run (still cant bend to pick stuff up-have to do lunges to pick stuff!!!! it doesnt afect my speed or anything though so dont think there are any excuses... heckled stu while he ran....i know its mean but i get a PERVERSE pleasure seeing him grimace when he runs(not in the gf sense) but in the athlete sense as in how much pain he puts me through in training..... errrrr 3x2kms reps spring to mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
put in an offer on a house in point cook-it was lovely-but offer is below what they what and there is someone else making an offer-its a wait and see :(
oh and went to the worst run chemist in the word..BIG gripe coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! apparently it takes more than 11mins to take a packet off the shelf...ok here goes ..there is ONE lady who can get the medication (no problem with that as she is the pharmacist...well LADY stay in the medicine cabinet thingy and DOLE out the damn medicine...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she comes and serves people(not with medications) puts their 'scripts' in aliitle basket and LEAVES the damn things there...once everyones baskets are now queued up-she MAY and i stress MAY go and get one lot of medication!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn could have all been done in 3minutes instead of 11- 2 people serving and setting up the 'baskets' meanwhile pharmacists girls stays and fills the medications...pronto..not exactly high LEVEL thinking caps needed there......f%ck a DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..phew needed to get that off my chest...but hard is it to work that OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was a mighty fine run today, you have every right to be pleased :-)
It's OK, I heckled my coach too, repeatedly, hopefully by the time I am back at training he will have forgotten all about it!
I thought you'd be thanking your coach for putting you through such pain in training that the race seems easy!
Good run.
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