eeeeughghgh 6 x 1kms again
..ok so suffice it to say- this is NOT my favourite session..i find it a real battle of the minds to do teh last 200m..i know how weird that is!!!but thats what it is
..ok first things first- did a session of lunges/squats/single leg squats,pushups,military press/side leg raises, planks....hmmmmm stu is definitely trying to kill me(when you see my program for the next week -you will understand) i did tell him i wasnt telling him when my next holidays are!!!lol..cos he seems to think i can just run every day..and do another session as welll!!!!he is very very mean!!!!
then off to my aunts for physio- this actually HURT today :( my aunt was pressing between the joints(where the disc bulge is) and there is still quite a lot of pain :( anyway she is trying a mobilisation SO OVER this f7cking back- you cant even begin to imagine!!!! then lunch with my aunt who is truly a lovely lady-but we did disagree when discussing the ethics of something..she is SERIOUSLY hassling me to meet stu- i keep telling her he is very busy...but i think we will try to get over there the next two weeks..whatta good lad he is :) and hten we went and visited my grandmother in the nursing home
..then to the track for 6x1km@110s per lap(4:35min/km)...ugghgghghghghg my most hated session...although stu is right..i CAN do it... and it will help my endurance and YADA YADA YADA(oops sorry thats what it started sounding like)... anyway still having a funny tummy but it is getting least he let me have 90s recovery i s'pose
..and i started my healthy eating plan..NO COKE ZERO-insert jojo crying here- was very good today a good day all in all
More good k's in the BANK, they will pay dividends in the summer!
What for next Tue's session, then you will learn to love 6x1000m!!!
It's a good session and much better than what I did, NOTHING, I wussed out and stayed inside with a hot water bottle :-(
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