..bling ..bling.bling..ching.ching ching
lol..what an arrogant prat i sound like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol AS IF!!!! when i crossed the line and theyve gone ..you finished first in your age group- i actually went ...are you sure??????? you do know im 18-39 group... turns out the 3 OVERALL first across the line dont count...dont know if they are all over 18 or not, but it does mean at worst i finished 4th in the open women
..oh and stu predicted 4:33,in/kms.if you count my garmin which is VERY accurate and im going with, it measured 5.13km, or if you accept it as 5km then 4:40min/.km which is kinda crapola!!!! well considering i ran 4:40min/km for 6kms 2 weeks ago!!!!!
..anyway.got there early..honked at TB(tony) had to laugh-he was standing outside in the car while jay and michelle looking all warm in the car. caught up with andrew-running bud :)
very very sad to not see Em there :( as i said..some things JUST arent fair(yesterdays non commital post)
andrew and i started off about 4:23 and was doing well..third km was a bit of a blowout 4:47, but i think thats when there was a hill(and i was feeling shite) also had the dilemma when ajh not feeling well whether to continue or wait while he had a potentially liquid laugh.. i decided -either selfishly or rationally??? that if it was me feeling that way- i would want the other person to keep running as it would make me feel bad otherwise.. and i was always going to run back to find him in 10 mins !!! so i ran 23:10 which i reckon i ran pretty well..oh and got bling..once the pic of andrew and i is up either he or i will post on our blog
so a good day..and then stu , his MILLION rugrats and i went to the werribee zoo.OMG how tired i was after that!!!!! IVE NEVER BEEN THERE_It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 the rhino-s looked like they were GONNA ram the bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you cant even begin to imagine HOW close to you they are..and giraffes...man i love giraffes!!!!!!!!!!ungainly...and you should see how camels sit..bizarro..and...and a... and... ummmm you get the idea
..we then went and looked..in a BUCKETLOAD of rain at a townhouse in point cook -which looked OK, but i think i want a doggy!!! then dinner at williamstown....where i got..can you believe it ...a roast dinner and vegies and wine for $10 ...which just means MORE wine for me...wooohooooo..and then we played pool-heaps of fun..he beat me everytime..boooooo hiss..but never by much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well done all my ausrunner buds today..some GREAT runs
Congrats again on your bling, woo hoo!!
I love giraffes as well, I think there is something kinda elegant about them :D
Well done today, a good run and very close to my predicted time, so the plan is going well.
Luckily I spoke to you prior to reading, as your post made very little sense to me at all!
I have no doubt that Andrew would not have been fussed, surely the unwritten runners code is that when you are racing all bets are off (unless you stop to help someone who falls over and hurts themself, and stopping to help is just the nice thing to do)
18-39 is a pretty competitive age bracket so you should be mighty pleased with your placing :-)
Nice work! (some of us speak fluent JoJo and understood your post perfectly ;)
Don't tell Bella this, but I don't know if a dog is such a great idea sometimes- even though she makes me sooooo happy, sometimes I wish I didn't have a dog, and most of the time I realise I couldn't cope with children if Bellsie is too much!
Hey running bud, Em is right - I would have felt worse if you'd stopped - you did the right thing !
Well done on the bling. I waiting for the results on SC site, I'm sure there must have been only two competitors in the Male 39-40 category!
Nice 5k!
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