Sunday, March 30, 2008

...ummmmm... ummmmm... ummmmm

...ummm when stu kept telling me i would be fine today i didnt realise that entailed me being very close to vomiting!!!

ok met andrew and em at 8am...after my alarm went off!!! fortunately i got a text at 5.40 reminding me to eat???!!! well i do have hte maturity of a 12 year old i guess..... lol

i thought 4.45 was going to be ok! i am obviously a WHOLE LESS FIT than i needed to be,...let me clarify. i am fit- but i am FIT for 800m running NOT 14km!!!!!!!

we started out at a reasonable pace- dodging and weaving... andrew picked it up to about 4.17 and was about t gofaster in the tunnel until...ummm i think it was JOJO uttered a settle gretel!!!!lol... i struglled up the first nig hills(havent done many hills lately) after 6kms i really was struggling(that is about all i have been running lately) i actually thought i was going to vomit on several occasion and was having extreme pains in my belly up the hillls... at 9kms was feeling pretty lousy but we were right on pace s i pushed firward a bit to keep the pace on track- last 3 kms or so...i wa sliterally just hanging onto ems coat-tails..i was definitely in strugglesville.. ps the less said about the bolte bridge(and collins st) the better....ummm the bolte lasted for ummmm ohhh an HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway with not far to go em's gone lets go jo- so ive gone ok- ramped it up so i could finish with her but couldnt get through the block of people!!!! i think my time was around 67:27 accoring to my watch..and andrew the same time
..i do have to admit though-at one stage i was really REALLY and I mean really- wondering what possessed me to run with people- cos seriously that was the ONLY thing making me run that fast for so long!!!!! i really struggled since about 6kms
..having said that it WAS so AWESOME to run with people... that i cant even explain it... i cannot give enough thanks to Em and andrew- it was seriously the highlight of the day..
i am so used to having to run by myself.... and OMG how fit is Em from trailawalker.. i am definitely looking forward to racing Em in the wonter season...we are going to have some great races!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont stand a chance in the longer stuff though- she is a machine!!!!
and awesome effort by andrew who hasnt been running that much- he just sucked it up and pushed pushed pushed- he was sooooo strong in the first few kms it was incredible...i felt like i was holdoing him back

OH...and i want to MAKE this very back in NO way impacts upon my running... so i never need to have did well considering....... not true..either i did well or i didnt..the back does NOT come into it.. i had enough of that last year impacts on my training..sometimes..and that is it..and not really that much cos stu just puts me grumbling into the pool.... having said that back is pretty average now..oh well it needs to be- so that the doc injects it in the right spot(it is guided to where hte pain is) back was sore before but taping is awesome and so only started feeling it after the 10kms...woohoo

worst thing about the run: ummm everything after 6km...but mainly the bolte bridge
best thing: andrew and em ...yay yay yay

am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tired.... how could i find that sooooooooooooooo hard


Anonymous said...

Yay indeed!

Normally I am not a fan of running in a pacing group but yesterday was fab!!!

It certainly helped keep me honest and I was stoked that we were all able to finish together.

Anonymous said...

You did good girl!

I didn't know you bought one of those wrappy things at the party. I ummed and aahhed about it but ended up buying the sports bra (what else!!).

Hope the injection helps the back and you feel better soon

Andrew(ajh) said...

I agree too, it was really special to run together in the run, I've never done that before. It was extra special that we managed to run to our goal pace almost to the second.