Monday, March 17, 2008

..jojo all talked out

yes you heard right... miss jo is ALL talked out... parent teacher tonight... so i am keeping my mouth shut
///quads still sore which is weird- havent been sore from a run in a while..not injured sore//just USED sore
..went to williamstown for dinner with a gf last night..her sister has recently had a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball we are waiting to hear how she we just chatted and talked an hung out..whihc was great.... we also wrote aletter of thanks and apology to someone whom she mistreated and htey recently sent her a letter saying how sorry they were to hear about her sister(this was a big thing) so i was pedantic little bitch and helped her to draft a letter(believe me when i make an effort-no typos and grammar can be awwwright mann!!!!)lol
i asked CG if he wanted to invite me over and he said NO.. then surprising about half hour or so later he called and changed his spent an enjoyable evening with him :) poor lad was feeling the effects of being in some very hot blazing sun for two days... he even took a sickie today..and he rarely takes sickies..!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway PARENT teacher night tonight...ho hummmmmm
..and not allowed to run... mr mean old stu said im not supposed to be running today nor tomorrow...plththtthththththth having a wine(not to mentiona whine) lol i do crack myself up!!!
gotta go-all tuckered out ,hot tired and well just being is an effort at the moment...miss jo smirls a little at that


Anonymous said...

Two terms that I liked in this post..... the first one was "just USED sore" and the second one was "Im having a wine(not to mention whine), pmsl!!!

Thats really nice of you to help your gf write the letter :)

When my 10 year olds teachers see me coming and not just for a parent teacher meeting, I am sure they are saying, "Oh No, here she comes, aaagghhhh!!!" LOL

MorseyRuns said...

I loved it when Mum got home from parent teacher interviews- she usually had a present for me for being such a nerd!

Andrew(ajh) said...

4:45 may be pushing it a little for me at the moment, but I'll give it a go.