Monday, March 24, 2008

..hmmmm at least im not sooky la la

..what a little miss i was
..all sooky la la and feeling sorry for myself... evry self indulgent sooky girl yesterday(was missing my sister a lot yesterday)

..well im still NOT HAPPY HAPPY today... but much much better..unfortunately however my back is still really not good!!!it hurts today..sigh probs water running again
..went shopping (take 2-since the shops were shut yesterday) to buy my friend some sunnies for his birthday...not something you can buy without actually having them present.. he did look pretty cute in them actually(ray bans-i think)..much nicer than the other ones he liked(which i didnt like)..luckily when i went out for lunch and forgot to lock the car-nobody stole them..oops

.. and while we were walking along..hes what time were you meeting your dad for lunch... i just about fell over.... i had COMPLETELY forgotten id made plans with my dad..ooopsies... luckily it was only 11am so i still had time... i seriously suck.. i FORGET events ALL the time... as somebody said to me ...youre sh!t muriel..... i suck....
..anyway dad was very pleased to see me
..have been watching the stawell gift,cleaning my room and ironing..going to have to lay down for a bit-tired (it was exhausting being such a sooky la la also back needs to have a little rest- thank goodness i have physio tomorrow... looks like i will be water running again tomorrow :(


MorseyRuns said...

Hey mate, hope that back gets better- maybe no golf or rollerblading for a while. And no disco dancing, hula hooping, twister, sky diving or bungy jumping either. That just leaves a bit of knitting, oh, and lots of running once that nasty coach lets you run again. ( I think you might be happy again when you can run)

Stu Mac said...

Don't you love how Day One of your running program started with a rest day!!! LOL

Maybe it was just the day to re think the coke for breaky, the lack of veg etc etc LOL