Wednesday, March 26, 2008

..its gonna be a tough sunday

..its gonna be a tough sunday
..i am very very very much under-done.. yes in case you cant tell- im freaking out a little bit...

its TOM.. which i was kinda expecting..been a bit over 5 weeks..and ummm 2 days ago i kept sure sign!!!!
..did a 40 min water run yesterday..back was still pretty bad.. am ataking ant inflamms and have also booked in for a sports doc appt... im pretty sure that theres two distinct injuries...the right side is from the disc bulge..and whilst the 2nd disc bulge might be causing some issue on the left..i think it might be one of the initial things my aunt(and the other physio) said which is sacro iliac joint or facet joint problem.. or it might be time to get an injection into the back :(
..anyway i am having quite bad pain WAAAAAAAY too often every weak..and i need to be pro-active... it is too big a part of my life at the moment... its been a year for gods sake... a 15min rollerblad should not mean i cant bend over for 3 days :( yesterday.. still sore in the L4-L5region and also the L5-S1 region(which just tels you where on the vertebrae that the pain is) but the majority of my pain is halfway between my spine and my side....

..anyway..went to a movie and dinner last night with stu.. which was nice... was having a laugh when i was telling him he is the bossiest man i knew... hes like why... and i said well in my 2 weeks when im supposed to be able to do any training i want- you sent me an email on the wednesday telling me what i could do for the rest of the and after my coke zero lecture im going to try to cut down to 1 a day(eventually 2 for the whole week) and none before midday...stu really tells me off when if i tell him i had a coke for breakfast- i reallyneed to be better at
..anyway we saw a very BORING movie..cant even remember the name of it..some oil magnate who was a bit crazy... and i ate sooooooooooooooooooo much popcorn that i make myself feel sick(for a very long time)
..trying very hard to work out whether to go for a real run or a water run... i know what iSHOULD do.... but then in order to run OK on sunday i should go for a real run

edit: i went for a water run... lol well actually it was a run that was very evry wet...yes i got rained on....5.27, 5.11,5.13,5.18,5.12,5.03,5.11 and 4.58min/km for the lat 680m run felt pretty cruisey 40mins for 7.68kms which is 5.13min/km
..back is not great after... quelle surprise


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you can run that fast in the water!!

I really must have a go one day soon!

JH said...

Not to worry JoJo. If it all gets too much, you can always heckle me. I'm told it's the latest craze.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Don't fret ... we'll just run it at whatever pace grabs us on the day.

Kathryn said...

I'm freaking out about Sunday too!

Coke for breakfast... yikes!

Stu Mac said...

Jo I'm not sure how many times you need to be told, if your back is ok on Sunday then you will be FINE. You have run 14km nearly every week since 1 Jan.

You will be FINE! Just run and enjoy the event, the races start 19 Apr!!! (just remember, at least you are still running)