Monday, March 10, 2008

..what goes up.... must come down :(

..was in a great mood last night... very very hyper... and being very silly i am sore- particularly in the calf-pretty sure its just racing soreness .. resting for the next week or so... my coach said i can do anything i like for the next 2 weeks..well he did revise that to being i can do anything i like- as long as i dont run faster than 5:30min/km or run for more than 45 mins(doesnt seem very-do what you like to me!!!!!)
..anyway i tried to go shopping to lift my mood but even that couldnt help me today

..apparently there is a NOT very exclusive club called the .."i like you jo...but...." CLUB apparently there is an endless stream of members....
..the boy last night told me that he would not be my boyfriend if i was the LAST girl on earth... ok- thats not exactly what he said.. but thats how i walked away feeling(he was actually much nicer than that(he has NOT done anything wrong))..sigh... i wasnt even asking him to be be my boyfriend- i actually dont need a label as such..and i cant remember the whole convo cos i had quite a few wines last night..we have been seeing each other to some extent for the last 9 months- whether by his standards its casual or whatever it is- anyway feel a bit crap today(im not upset with him-it doesnt actually change anything- he had told me in december that he didnt like my personality...oops that our personalities were not compatible...)
i dont know what it is about me that makes me so undate-able..i guess i am just very annoying :(


Anonymous said...

Hey, we have a date for the R4TK don't we, so therefore you're not undateable - right ?

Keep the chin up - Mr Right will be along at some stage!

jojo said...

lol- yep thats a date to look forward to :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't like how you always assume that you are at fault!

You have plenty to offer, maybe what you have to offer is not what CG wants but like you say that is not his fault, but it is NOT yours either. NG will see you a whole different way.

NG = Next Guy

JH said...

Oh dear, I might have to pause my program of unrelenting jojo teasing for long enough to send you a hug through the ether.

I'm sure you're not undateable. Somebody dated me (quite a few even!) so anything's possible.

MorseyRuns said...

Wanna hang out in bars and be undateable together??
My personal favourite is "I don't want a girlfriend right now" two weeks before they tell you that they are dating someone else!