Wednesday, March 19, 2008


yay! miss jo is on holidays.... wooohhhhhhooooooooo
very happy little camper

4 topics today , school, running, food, the lad
it was great today- one of my year 11 hung around and was thanking me and telling me how happy i was that i was teaching him etc... was very very sweet a..and then another teacher told me about 2 of my year 12's who were saying very nice things about me on camp...ohhhhh how nice..
my year 12s were quite funny today: i knew they wouldnt do much so i didnt push today...and they were quite amusing...and even trying to guess my age... bless them they had no idea...thought i was younger!!! also i walk into tables at school A LOT- i made a comment that they must see teachers do it all the time...they kinda laughed and said not really ....just YOU!!! lol... i walk into stuff at least a few times every lesson!!! it explains all the tabe high bruises on my leggies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
running: apparently i am pretty bad about rest running this week again...cos im trying to do what stu said..i went swimming last night and i SUCK soooooo bad... also EASTER monday is out :( :( not allowed to race.... got a bit of a lecture off big bad stu!! anyway am contemplating going up to stawell to watch the GIFT..lotta driving in one day though
the lad: we went to dinner and a movie last night... was very funny because we actually ended up in the wrong cinema... i was a littel perturbed when there were 2 horror previes and hten i saw hte start of ours and my eyes just about bogged out of my head... yep had to watch the movie through my fingers... didnt help that someone found it funny to keep scaring me plththththt it was actually a good movie albeit such a baby
food: i havent really put on any weight(well nothing much anyway.less than a kg) whilst on break but my eating has been ATROCIOUS- finally tonight i made a good decision and cooked fresh ocean trout fillet and made a huge salad with avocado fetta and other salad-y stuff..mmmmm yummy..(especially since i felt like fish n chips) i decided to start my healthy eating tonight rather than waiting til tomorrow(well i am going to have a HAIGHS egg that a student gave me

so i am in a great mood- life is good- and the next 2 weeks i am going to keep account of ALL my expenditure so i can actually work out how i spend quite so much money that i do!!!!

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