Monday, May 26, 2008

..not always quick on the uptake

.. i shoulve known yesterday when i could barely keep my head upright whilst marking my papers at 5pm that something was wrong..... i just assumed i was tired after the run...(although it did seem to be a completely excessive tiredness....
anyway at 9pm i was not even able to keep my eyes open and i got sent to bed and was definitely asleep by about qtr past.. i couldnt even tell you if i had a conversation later?i was a bit out of it... anyway this morning when it was time to get up..i could barely open my eyes..and i just couldnt get out of bed.... and i wasnt just being lazy.... i eventually sent an email after i had called in sick..which took about 15mins to write and it was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllly hurting my eyes.....
i slept til about 10am and was still a bit tired but decided id better toodle off to my own house.... by the time i got home-had some lunch(brekky) i was completely washed out... so i went and had another hour and a half sleep... it was crazy.. im convinced i had a fever.. on the car trip-didnt have the heater on.. and only a long sleeve tee and i was sweating!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then after my nap i was freezing and then within 10 mins i was sweating again... started to perk up at about 4-ish but am REALLY tired now
..was very weird..anyway am very glad i took the day off...i really dont think i could have managed to teach today :(
..early night for this little pussycat..hopefully it was only a 24 or 48 hour thing(i was feeling a bit faint at one stage saturday afternoon) so i should be all good tomorrow....well thats the plan anyway...

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