Sunday, May 4, 2008


..been a busy little chickadee this weekend..went and had dinner on friday night and met one of stu's freinds..then saturday morning sport with teh boys....cross country..didnt that make me wanna run, betcha
..then my brother made me go and get cigars for $80 and hes like..ill give you the cash and i said... like last time(he still owes me $300)and laughed... anyway prganised for him to come pick it up..and of course -no cash.... which meant i wa short today and am dipping into next weeks money... d'oh
,...then off to the western aths presentation night with the was very interesting to see how other clubs run their presentation... so we are well and truly óuted'now.. i was really nervous beforehand actually...
and then today after a big sleep in..yeah we were still drinking at 2"30am- dont even want to tell you how mnay bottles of wine we went through,..... suffice it to say it was
off to indian buffet for lunch..where i way over ate and felt a little ill after eating too much then off to a pub for a beer(well wine for me//lol) and then a wander round the shops and now home...oh i did do some hwk this ,morning
i really really really really hate homework..its just NOT funny...when you work sat morning as well and then do homework on sunday- it really doesnt feel like a huge break from school.....
so a lovely weekend really...i dont know if the other person has agreed yet
..but we are doing a two week healthy eating thing
..kness doing well
..well done to Em yesterday..musta felt good being out there


Anonymous said...

It hurt but it was fun.

I had one of those busy weekends too, you get to Sunday night and wonder where the 2 days just went.

lg said...

Sounds like a jam packed but well deserved weekend - we all need those!

Sounds like it's pretty excited to be 'outed' - makes it all very real when everyone around you knows:)