Sunday, May 11, 2008

....miss jo goes to the country drove over to stus this morning(after a night of ummm drinking) and we decided to go to the you yangs...that was after he called me and yelled at me to WAKE lucky i wasnt too hung over... although i was having a major bacon and eggs nothing but a quick mandarin and hit the not hillly sections of the you yangs,..calves very tight... back -lets not even go there..its always going to take some readjustment.. knee was GREAT :) :) :) felt heaps better than yesterday..although my coach did try to kill me... he made me run 9kms!!!!!!!!!!! ummmm the last km and a half was very hard for me cos i am very unfit.. and super slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway very tired after that...and didnt get to eat brunch til 2pm(was a 40 min wait)
..oh and in reference to teh country comment- we could smell cows..i jokingly enquired if stu was telling me i smelled like a cow..i believe he just rolled his eyes...sooooo doesnt get my sense of humour
..then we went to 'the plaza where we met one of stu's friends clare for a coffee before me being mesmerised ONCE again by the large screen tvs..i really want one.. i also want to buy a wii... and i aslo want to buy other stuff too!!!!!!!! such a spendthrifti ha ve been in an extremeley silly sausage mood today...i wish the weekend went for one more day
miss jo is officially back running


Stu Mac said...

My post and your post are sooooooooo different considering we ran the same 9km...

Tomorrow, swim, squats, single leg squats, plank (various), lunges, T birds and some more planks!

MorseyRuns said...

Hee hee- Stu wrote "soooooo different" just like you would have! Nice run, and good effort sticking it out until 2pm- I would have been eating dirt by then.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Kate has just bought the WiiFit thingo for her Wii, but she is being mean and won't let me use it.