Wednesday, October 31, 2007

..get over yourself know what..i have it pretty good.. i dwell on all sorts of sh1t..that really is not at all imprtant
in june of last year..i went to the doctor after i found a which her reply...yes that is worriesome..lets get you into the hospital tomorrow..(last day of term...cant it wait til monday...NO) now thats real stress! and thats just the thought of what could happen.. it all ended up ok...a lovely 4 massive needles in my breasts whilst not pleasant..i felt extremey lucky to be given a clean bill of health.. One of my gf's mothers died a few weeks ago, my grandmother is certainly not far off it :( and aparently my father did a very good job of almost cutting his life a little short on the weekend(hes ok) was reading stu's blog and a friend of his has just passed away :(
..sometimes it makes you realise just how lucky you are.. i was feeling VERY sad about my sister leaving...but at the END of the day.. i will see them again..and if i dont manage to make it back to squash..well there are worse things

..having said that had such a lovely time with my sister and 2 nieces today..ive been ostriching and everytime i think about..i get a bit upset(like now) however much i rationalise and think logically... my brain is NOT winning this war with my emotions... i am completely gutted...
my family is brother,sister and I are super close(that happens when your parents are a bit..well eccentric is a nice way of putting it) my bf(best friend) often guys are sooooo normal..considering......LOL-she has known me since i was 13!

my session tomorrwo is 3x400m @ 90 s with 10-15min warm up and cool down... did i mention stu has actually been coaching me lately...which is why i have been soo restrained(im too scared to step out of line )kidding... i am actually very appreciative

..sorry a bit of a solemn..and not as flippant as usual post.... sigh where is fun jo tonight..oh ok..its her day off! fair enough

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

..B and M

..ummmm where to start... be forwarned there is a little bit of a Band M coming(b%tch and Moan)
1) did half hour easy squash drills tonight(love working at a school with squash courts :)..... i keep forgetting my BACK is rubbish... couldnt bend over properly once i cooled down..i took it really easy TOO. made me a bit far away from returning to a match..let alone A grade..let alone moving to State Grade.F7ck that for a joke also trying really hard to listen to my friend who really has been coaching me lately... and he is completely correct with keeping me restained(not my natural state)..thats probably the best thing about having someone to tell me what to sure that if i can do 45:36 fo 10km on 20-ish kms a week... if i do some real training, i should definitely be able to beat that next year

Em- yeah babe im not allowed to run that far yet but i could run 10-ish kms with you..that would be awesome..i can even 'shut up' sometimes when im running(just dont ask sara..i may have ummmmmm talked that WHOLE 10kms without breathing LOL)

had a massage with Corrie-she is awesome..made me laugh when i was locked in cos her bf had taken the keys(thank god its not just me who does silly stuff!!!)apparently back VERY tight)no surprise there)

and finally cleaned my room..done many times lately..but havent finished completely.i actually like my clothes in sorted in colours and they arent at the moment!

i seriously have to turn more lights on... i just smacked my knee/arm into a closed door(when you dont live by yourself people shut stuff) and it was too dark!
...LOL im a shocker

okey doke! i should go.even though id love to stay and flatmate doesnt talk to me(the ddge one)
i asked her when shes moving out(we only aked her 9 weeks ago!!!)

Monday, October 29, 2007

.grandma jo

..grandma jo???? surely you have to have kids before you can be a grandma..LOL..and im definitely a wee bit too young !!!!!.....according to Em however i am a grandma (LOL)as she called me one yesterday... well honey....i have never worn a petticoat but have some lovely skirts that i cant wear to work cos in the sun they are a little see have been meaning to get one...also im paranoid about the boys seeing my underwear through a skirt

..anyway woke up this morning very easily and in the most SUPERB of moods..went over to a friends house for a drink r two and then home by 10pm...good bed by 11pm and i got my marking up to date woohoo
i love daylight saving

..went for a run after school today(had a dinner invitation so no time to go to the Tan, ran nearby...these were the splits
i was supposed to be doing 5:15 pace-but i suck at pacing..even with a garmin
when i looked during the third km it said the average pace was 5:10 so i assumed ok..but what had happened is i had hit lap instead of stop when i had a drink stop and as a result blew out my average pace which is what i was going by and then forgot to restart...cos when i started i hit start/stop again(to start) but of course it stopped it DUFUS.. so ran a bit more than 7kms but not really sure how much further-less than half a km more i reckon felt heaps stronger today than last tues or sat/// 5min/kms felt easier than the 5:20 min/kms on saturday

I was also looking at Em's training and im thinking maybe i should see if i could tag along on one of Ems long runs..we run a very similar pace..her being the pacing superstart she is -i might learn a thing or two

out to dinner tonight..nice..... home nice and early...even nicer :)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

..pure blonde

..well yesterday was an exhausting from 11:30 til 9pm..sooo tired... running today.. back has pulled up a little sore from yesterday :( ..achilles also a little sore...neither shocking but it might be necessary to have another rest day tomorrow and do water running instead
..andrew will laugh at this next bit...
i ahhhh ummmm went shopping..and on the way stoppped at smith street and decided id better not keep going to my original destination after that for more shopping(how restrained little joey bean ;)
..anyway i bought the following for summer work clothes
1burgundy skirt
1green skirt
i purple skirt
1 white shirt
1 blue(royal blue) shirt
1 burgundy shirt
1 petticoat
and then decided since id already gone over my budget for the day..and i ahh eerrrrrr accidentally stopped off and bought ummmmm hang on still counting 12 books...LOL there was this great sale on johnston st

these are the books
life at the wrong end of the job market (Elisabeth Wynhausen)
Napolean-the sun of austerlitz (Max Gallo)
Buried (mark Billingham)
Three Day Road (Joseph Boyden)
The ambulance chaser (richard beasely)
A brothers journey(richard pelzer)-this one is gonna make me cry
The lost thoughts of soldiers (delia falconer)

and some absolute pieces of fluff/ the sun is compared to the age(i heard it called a lolly paper which i thought was great...all substance)
Love walked in (marisa de los santos)
R is for ricochet(sue Grafton)
The man of my dreams(fiction of course-there is no man of MY dreams-its a myth)curtis sittenfeld
A book on bellydancing
..i was soo excited when i saw this one i may just have squealed in delight.. my all time favourite..a calvin and hobbes comic book

calvin hobbes quote: reality always ruins my fun

Saturday, October 27, 2007

....aths aths and more aths

..its 9:13 and finally my work commitments of the day are over(i started at 11:30)

so got up early this morning 7:45 is and headed intot he city by 8:30 start running about 8:50
yeah you might have noticed the late night errrrr drunk post last night..i only rembered about 2pm todya that i did this and was going to delete..but hten people had already commented and who knows how many people had already read it...
Em you will be impressed
i did my 11km run this morning..wasnt a great run...very dehyrated and it was very hot..i took a drink stop every 15 mins...did not enjoy much at all, but was very happy with how the achilles was..sore to begin..but eased up...and is a little sore now but not abou an hour 5:25 min/kms instead of 5:10 but no way could i manage 5:10min/km today :(
..thoughts from last night
i found out somethign VERY disturbing last night..i have always completely trusted christian..he is the only person who knows certain thing s about me..and i was very disappointed and upset to find out he had told one of my friend's something he promised he would never tell anyone..thanks i dont already find it hard enough to trust people now :P friend vic makes me laugh a lot
..i worry about a friend of mine who i know is a bit sick but wont tell me anything about it..which of course is their perogative..but i worry and fret a little being accountable about my running makes me go and do it even on days when i dont want to..thanks for that stu... werent you my favourite person this morning at 9am ...NOT..i only blame you cos you wrote that session for me
..Me doing 11kms is the biggest run i have done since back injury which is a GOOD sign

..and yes Em..i might be a bit bridget jones-ish..i sure fall over enough!!!!!!

..uh oh.. drunk pussycat

..ok so its 2am... so i know better tha to post at 2am...dont I" apparently not

very tired so here arev te things i leanrd tonight
i)i need mor esleep than im gettng
ii)lots of boys come up chatting to my gf and i when we are out
iii)i actually like my CG more than im supposed to
iv)when my friend drags me into a 'naughty; shop dont expect to come out spending less than a hundred dollars on stuff you dont want and dont know WHY you bought\
v)is running at 9am after being out til 2:40 am really gonna happen...shhhhhh dont tell anyone..i might get in trouble


Thursday, October 25, 2007

..that might actually be a real session

..OMG the world does actually exist at 5:15am..who woulda thunk it... i got up (reluctantly and possibly swearing)in the car at 5:30 running by 5:45.. session was as follows
1km 5:35min/km warm up followed by stretching
2kms 5:13min/km ..this felt harder than normal
2kms 4:40min/km
2kms 5:09min/km...... not really consistent though..struggled a lot in the last km-dont have many kms int he legs i reckon is the reason

actually waked 200m between the 4:40 2km and the 5:10 min/km (but that ws cos i was BUSTING/...and hte damn thing was shut..was not happy after that

busy day at work..boys a bit all over the shop...
then a quick couple drinks at the pub(2) prior to the year 12 presentation night(went forever) and now home at 10:30 trying to wind down(QUICKLY COS I NEED TO BE IN BED )
-drove home without my lights on(and found very hard to even stay awake)...oops..too tired tonight
...i cant muster up any more than the facts today...can i please borrow some of tomorrows energy now..i know i dont need all of tomorrows tomorrow
yawn..maybe a wine to wind down.... JOJO got to bed

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 much doth jojo love OP

..seriously, i loooooove Olympic just brings back so many memories of running as a junior burger... one of our relay teams got thru to the final by 0.03 of a second..he pipped him on the line..was very exciting a little burnt..thats what happens when your a fair haired typical aussie chick :) i put sunscreen on my face but not on my forearms as they dont usuaully get burnt.. i tell you though it was freezing when hte wind caught you today or you werent in the sun
..oh and for some reason i was an EATING machine.. i couldnt take my lite n easy lunch(no microwave) i dont even want to admit to all the crap i ate..oooops
..anyway was an early start today...stayed over at a friends house...but ummmmm they neglected to mention we needed to get up at 5:15 am... what the...... tonight i remembered i hadnt done the core work Stu ordered me to do(LOL) so feeling tired and lazy i kicked myself up the butt and went to the gym...20mins on the bike, seated rower,chest press, lat pull down(skipped military press) did 1min bridge(shaking like a lunatic) then 30sec bridge each side.. then 10 mens push ups(used to be able to do more) then went to (modified)push ups on the knees.. but i dont think i do the right..i think my arms are supposed to bend parallel to my body .. mine go out and away from the body
..trying to force mysefl to do some marking but i am kinda tired..finding it hard to see the screen was a BRILLIANT day :) im such a lucky gal to get paid to do something i enjoy so much :) :)
..oh and my new plans..even though i dont always stick to them
..try to start running in the morning before work
..go to gym and do bike/core/weights at least once per week
..squash drills once to twice per week and also one session of water running even if only 15mins

..the reason for the before work is cos im finding it hard t fit in..

work,,school aths meeting after work,plus year 12 presentation night from 7- 10:30 so no real time for a run :( the aim is 6am-although i have not managed a pre work run in the last 8 years

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 busy little jojo

..i am soooooooo busy at the moment it is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt know how i was going to factor in a run today..cos after year 12 dinner last night..when my alarm went off at 6am....i just LAUGHED at the thought of getting out of bed..and promptly fell asleep til 6:35..although i did have to move my car for my flatmate(obviously wasnt very clear headed as i walked straight into the hall wall(i think it was a bit like dodgem cars LOL bouncing around
anyway super busy at work..aths training for the kids after then straight home for a run(and only a quick stretch cos i had to tutor) so no core work even though i was told that i had to do some ?????
anyway 6kms tonight..directions were 5:10 min/km pace,,pace was fine 5:06km for 6kms but ran too fast in the first 2.5kms which were mainly uphill...jojo i dont think 5:10 was supposed to be the pace you were aiming for up the hill LOL
run was enjoyable..hammy had been a bit tight since sunday but that settled down...achilles is a little sore-ish..not SORE ...sore-ish.. back is good..very happy with it at the moment..jojo loves barney :)
..anyway about to duck out.....have to do the lite n easy 5 day-er cos i ate out too many days and still have quite a few of the dinners left..or get the whole 7 i guess and skip the week after? i dont think i can be bothered changing it..gosh im lazy slob
..ok gotta go..sorry havent checked blogs tonight..sara's only and hten realised the time... will check tomorrow...hope you all had a better run afte the weekends horror one many of us had!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

..a run from Hades

..OMG what an absolute shocker of a was the run from as stated in the title was like that run a few months ago where i felt so sick that i had to kneel down for a while..only difference this time is that i hadnt gone out last night.. i tucked myself into bed at 10:30..didnt even have a drink..ON A SAT NIGHT too are the splits

5:05min/km, 5:07min/km,5:12min/km(2.5kms all into the wind),5:11min/km,5:09min/km(not a full km) were my splits for albert park(ran too hard too early when it was waaaaaaaay windy and hot) and then had to rest cos i felt sick after one lap... did another 1.5kms at 5:45.. i really do need to be a smarter runner..and just cos i have aplan DOESNT mean i cant modify it

did heaps of stretches after..
jojo being a good girl
1)didnt go out last night
ii) loads of stretches after running..and before
iii) lots of self massage on achilles and shins
iv) a gf rings asking me to come to a beer garden this arvo..and i insist that we can only do so after we have both done 2hours of hw(cos i so know it aint getting done when i get home)
back is good good good(altho trying to be conchy and whisking out 5 buckets of grey water from the washing machine wasnt great for it)
jojo puts in her thumb and pulls out a plum..what a good girl am i (now that will sound REALLY weird if you havent hear the little jack horner ryhme
little jack horner sat in the corner eating his something pie
He stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum and said what a good boy am I?

calvin hobbes quote: Calvin: Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Hobbes: Probably so we can think twice.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

..i seem to have a certain personality is the one where everyone you meet bags you ..LOL.. spent the day at work(timing for sat sport) was very sad to miss my first summer aths meet due to the clash... was pretty tired as i errrrrr did end up sending my cg(casual guy) an errrrr 'booty call' last

am pleased to say my back feels pretty good after being silly on the squash court(although my glute is very sore(which is why im not completely home free..hopefully just from all the lunges...but it was glute pain in this spot that occured just before all the nastiness so it does worry be a tiny bit..will know properly tomorrow..

just had a nana nap and have now completely crashed... am gonna stay home and hopefully finish my correction

alos hows this...bumped in james again last night(also saw him at thehalf marathon) and hes like i really want to talk to you..and proceeded to tell me how he was sorry he hadnt treated me with the respect i deserved..yada yada yada..i was telling him all cool, we didnt part on bad terms etc..and we would have continued chatting(i wouldnt go back there-he had waaaaay too many issues-the least of which was an aggressive streak which worried me a little) but my friends(who were on the prowl(and not in a good way..they were annoying me..literally would cruise a pub and then go nup noone here...u mmm how about having a chat and a good time..and the boy thing is the secondary thing.. it was really annoying me..they just seemed desperate to me.. having said that i had a few boys flrting with me which was kinda funny cos i just didnt care and was just being my normal chatty self.....

and this is something i was thinking this morning after the james thing(cos it has happened about 5 times over the past few years-recently with john..who stopped seeing me because my lifestle is tooo single?????whatever that means) a couple of months after a guy and i have ceased they start telling me how great i am etc and this that and the other(umm boys do you think you could work that out whilst we are together and NOT later when it is too late... LOL.. i actually think they just forget how annoying i am in real life and just remember the good fun stuff ;) i was thinking about my favourite ex(which is definitely not christian-its hte guy who physically bench pressed me-and was a such a little groupie) when i wrote this

so spent the day getting heckled from some of my. colleagues... one of them is really quite attractive .>WAAAAAY too young but nothing wrong with a bit of harmless flirting..

heres an expression ive never heard before...
..the stopwatch i had became a littel ummm errr broken
..and the guy told me i had 'passion' fingers ... he got a quite surprised and loud 'what' from me
..he said because was either f&ck evrything you touch, or everything you touch is f&cked

calvin and Hobbes
quote1 : For your information, I'm staying like this, and everyone else can just get used to it! If people don't like me the way I am, well TOUGH BEANS! It's a free country! I don't need anyone's permission to be the way I want! This is how I am - Take it or leave it!
quote2:Miss Wormwood: What state do you live in? Calvin: Denial. Miss Wormwood: I don't suppose I can argue with that...

Friday, October 19, 2007


...ummmmmmmm the tile kinda says it all really... i always have the BEST intentions but AM soooooooooo easily persuaded to be bad..... asked about 5 teachers to have ahit(i said i cant play can only have a hit) 4 no;s and then finally a yes.woohoo..he was pretty sh1t but thats ok..having a hit and he goes lets play a match..and i said(being all conchy berdburger-ish) i cant im not allowed)-recall back was very sore after 1/2 hour of just drills last time... a gal who finds it very hard to say no..... so when he asked two more times and know youre not gonna have to run... i succumbed and well played some games against him... no spurts of speed(at all) i let him win points if too far away... but did over-reach for where im at a couple of times..back got a bit tight ..and all in all probably 45 mins on court....ummmmmmmmmm oops

..did i win?...well im not allowed to be competitive yet rememebr so its irrelevant) (but between you and me..of course i did..i thrashed him... and i barely ran)

but am very nervously awaiting tomorrow to see how i pull up

..yes stu..your ost was definitely slap-worthy LOL
jay i have some dresses that would look great on you maybe i will call you and see if we can play sunday night :)
morsey:hope youre feeling better tday

ps this was posted at 630 last night but something went wrong...the aliens took over so it is now being posted from the saved draft..which means you lost some little pearls of wisdom(those damn aliens!)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

..ummmm who's avoiding homework then jojo...hmmm

..pmsl at Em's comment..shes such a cracker.. having said that whilst im sooooooooo happy for her being able to do speedwork,i feel like i should be allowed to too!!!... we were doing our recovery together...why arent i at the same stage!!!! and stu if you tell me that its because im not moderate enough..i swear i will slap you next time i see you..LOL

anyway now that thats over!!!!
good day at school today..although the boys were all being pretty slack today..and i was finding it pretty hard not to laugh when i told one of the boys off.. and also there was this one boy who kept blowing his nose REALLY loudly(wasnt nice) and one of the boys made one of those euuuuwwwww noises when he did it...i was trying so hard not to laugh(cos i sure as hell was thinking it!and im a laugher from way back)
although..LOL..i did have to CONFISCATE a footy off the teacher who sits next to me..after it hit me in the face(well nose really..not too hard but it did hurt a little) i was concentrating REALLY hard on marking so surprisingly i wasnt looking out for a footy in the face LOL LOL

so its not completely different from where i used to work..although i did once get hit rather hard in the jaw with a very firm baseball ball that someone bounced very hard into my jaw from oh less than a metre away..and the boys(i wont call them men) heard this almighty noise..and when i staggered a bit..there was just this STUNNED silence(cos they all know im pretty hardy).. they still go on about that was hard...MY EYES were definitely watering..there was a bit of 'DONT touch me' which is what i always say when im really hurt... seriously give me space to get that pain under control and then im all good..just dont touch me!!!!! going to the year12 dinner on monday which means i get to frock up... I LOVE frocking up seriously..for someone who's not the girliest girl in the world nails/doing whatever it is girls normally do as opposed to being the 'handyman' around the house(yep thats me ;) i like fixing stuff) ... when it comes to clothes i am definitely a GIRLY girl..maybe i should have a haircut before then..hehe
ok ok i have procrastinated long enough..jojo bows head..time to be conchy little nerdburger and get on with my marking... i really have to..cant i just ramble on her for a while..................................

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

..patience little grasshopper patience is NOT my virtue..
..but i was kinda ..ummmm..not down..cos im happy to be back out running..surprised..not overly..but ..oh there it is..PUT OUT.. that my 30min+ fitness is crap! up to 30 mins, its pretty good, i hit the 30min mark tonight..which i should just suck it up cos realistically ive been out for 6 months and really only been doing 5 or 6 km runs..dont get me wrong..i made the 9kms without stopping and i kept it slow.... but it used to be soooooooooo much easier.. i did this run 3 times in the week before run 4 the kids and considered tehm easyish runs.... jojo you are back out running-be happy be grateful(i am trying)
so not convinced if i should do zatopek..not much chance of a PB i reckon..will reserve judgement for 2 weeks..
so the achilles was sore-ish first km an then eased into me just being aware of it... back was extremely tight at the end(not quite happy with me right now..not bad... just being sulky)
9kms at 5:30 pace (50mins)so i was a good girl and have stuck the instructions as per my discussions with stu.. who does have more knowledge than me in these matters
signed sealed and delivered my papers to be permanent at my school! so im all locked in... at least ive stopped freaking out about it... who has commitment issues about a job.....LOL

anyway everything is pretty good..weight getting back on track..back to ok at 61.5 but would prefer to be 60
this week my marking includes: 2 x year 12 SACS, 1 year 11 outcome ,1 year 8 test ,1 year 9 test ,1 year 11 assignment seriously THAT is a BUCKETLOAD

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a claytons post

..i meant to say this the other day..i'm surprised that people from my club actually read my blog...seriously!!! i had a few people the other day say stuff... and it just surprises me..its good... and in fact one of the lady from the club was particularly nice and paid me quite a nice compliment..i really do belong to a VNice club.. yes Em and Sara... even if they do throw drinks at us when we are cheering ;)

today was a tired little jojo..but all self inflicted.. i have never got enough sleep-why change the patterns of a lifetime... something happened this morning which was quite funny but in the interests of me maintaining a little dignity(i know i know..why this time) ...i shall refrain from disclosing such information LOL LOL LOL
BIG BIG BIG day at work..but was in a very good mood(which prior to the back injury really was most of the tim)e.. talking to my MT today i was saying to her how nice it is NOT being in pain 24 hours a day... im also surprised that i wasnt EVEN more of a surly cow than i was during that time(and yes i have been the moodiest little jojo on the planet these last 6 months.. havent been particularly LOVING my personality) .. anyway..achilles hurt when she massaged but not excuciating like last time... I LOVE THAT!!!!!!! i do feel like it is getting better..just cant wait for some speed.... just gotta get my qc(qasi coach) to let me do some.. im wondering how begging will go down ;)
and the 50+ year old guy(other maths dude) who i was telling i had BUCKETLOADS of homework really did have a bemused look on his face... im not exactly the typical senior maths teacher(and i have a very different vernacular)...(more so at the kind of elite school i teach at too!! and you gotta remember ..i am the only female year 12 maths teacher there..and im a little shall we say CHATTY(to say the least)..which can often be seen as...err how to put it..not so serious... lucky they know im a conchy little nerdburger(and who couldnt love seeing all the nice clothes i wear ;) there has been mention as to HOW many clothes i have!!!)

it was quite funny of my year 8 boys arc'd up when i told him off for something..and i went and chatted to him later..saying different ways of getting his point across(if he feels hard done by) so he gets in less trouble(ie dont say why are you picking on me!!!! but perhaps..and gave him an alternative) it was kinda me having such a rational conversation and saying i was doing it so he would get in less trouble in the future with other teachers.. he actually realised it was in his best interests and had calmed down by then..and was actually saying thanks ..i appreciate it! lovely boy...but is known to be a little aggressive in his attitude!!!

ok this 'nothing' post has to be done... ah finally the title(had left it to now) it must be a claytins post.. the post you have when yore not really having a post

Monday, October 15, 2007

..ooh dat's just not nice

..felt sooooo much better today..was bright as a little button..

anyway went for a run about 4:00 today.. man.. thats one of the WORST runs I have had in a long time.. i was dehydrated before i began...and was horrible from WOE to GO

5:15min/kms felt like i was running at about 4:50min/km iwas planning on doing about 6ish kms(but i was running out of time as i had to babysit and was already late) so pulled the pin at 5kms...uggggggggggggh thats all i can say about the run really.. SH1T really sums it up quite well (maybe thats still something to do with lack of sleep over the last 2 nights..i was good and went o bed soooo early last night but didnt get to sleep til body clock gets thrown out when i go out drinking til 4am!!!!! currently babysitting the rugrats.. and i tell ya..i dont understand big sis and bro in law have had a fight and i get a worriesome phone cal saying she cant get into the car and is in a dark st and Ian has walked off somewhere(and i cant leave here cos of the girls) so im telling her to just get a cab and ill drive her back later..anyway i just dont understand thos kinds of fights... excpet when youre a real pain in the Ass when im drunk LOL(yes even more so than when im sobre..and also whilst babysitting i ate a gzillion m&m's
..later.. she got home without hubby..anyway none of my beeswax!
am home now.. and i was thinking a bit more about the run..the achilles was niggly but it is definitely getting better..back is good..until i was lifting and errrrr ummmm throwing the 3.5 year old in the air..tiny bit tight..oops
here are the splits
1km (5:19min/km
next 2km (5:14min/kms)
1km(5:20min/kms).. one of these seriusly going to have a PLEASANT run..i do actually enjoy running you know-even if it doesnt sound like allowed to run 20-ish kms this week s will do either 3 or 4 runs..and try to throw some squash in as well is crazy busy..going to be a VERY stressful week

Sunday, October 14, 2007 a blooper waiting to happen

..last night was presentation night at my aths club...GREAT NIGHT..biiiiiiiiiiiiig night.. was getting heckled quite a bit from a guy at my table..lucky he was cute ;)
..i think i won the blooper award more than anyone else(it is awarded aech week of the season) i had a stellar performance winning the coveted prize 3 times(LOL)
..oh and for all you people out there who tell me im not funny.... i had them rolling around laughing..... seriously... ok i should probably let you in on a tiny secret... they were little people..i still had them laughing at my jokes..kidlets or not..someone thought i was funny yesterday!!!!!

got home after gorgeous friend Dee drove me home, she's such a sweetheart cos she was staying in spotswood..and from coburg to min is the complete opposite direction.. i think i had a MILLION wines/bourbon cokes/ vodka etc oooohhhhh
and she came and picked me up to take me there..i had thought she was coming from chadstone-i would never have let her come to mine from spotswood(errr except at 4:30am when im a drunk little skunk.. )one of the guys who was out til 4 went running at 8 this did he do that???? this aftternoon i went shopping with my sis(good news a delay of two weeks means her and the junior burgers are here til Nov 25 we think) and i was all raggedy thought process happening.. all i could do was follow her..literally i was her shadow..and she kept telling me how much i stunk of alcohol!!!!
..then home for a 1.5hour nap OMG how ,much better did i feel after that

..was great to see everyone last night...had a great time

Saturday, October 13, 2007

..welcome back jojo

.this is the miaow top from the gf

..ok i have wrestled and wrangled and smacked around the head that cranky hormonally imbalanced jo and finally i am back to normal! hehe
..had a quiet night/day know i really am very lucky 90% of the time, i absolutely LOVE being a teacher :) the guy i was going to have a hit of squash qoth cancelled so i ended up ditching(i wore heels two days on a row and poor little joey beans tootsies were hurting)
so this morning was family day at my school , so i was timer for the speed events..only missed one..lucky it was a D grade
..then after speaking with QC(qasi coach) who said i couldnt do the spring into shape tomorrow he negotiated instead and said i could runn 6ish kms as long as i kept it happy with that compromise..oh and the reason i am cos twice i have tried to get myself back from injury recently..and lets face it....twice i have failed! so i am heeding advice even if he is SUPER conservative..having said that NO WAY NO HOW could my achilles have done a 4km fast tomorrow i did a 6.6km run here are the distances(ish) and pace/km(my lap pressing is not great)
1.0 5:15min/km
1.0 5:04min/km
1.2 5:02min/km
1.3 5:03min/km
1.o 5:06min/km
1.1 5:04min/km for an overall 5:06min/km
pretty happy with the run..ive returned to my older more flatfooted achilles just cant take the change.... first km was horrible.the achilles was very tender...stopped and stretched after 1km still sore for a bit then noticeable for a while and gradually got better... after the run..and a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG stretch, it actually feels really good..see how it is tomorrow... it was very windy(i ran at port melb toward stkilda
thoughts:i might do zatopek 10km.. if i can talk em or someone close to my time to do it....cmon Em.. as nike once said JUST DO IT

quick rant: friend of mine from work(shes a bit high maintenance and just split up with her boy..and i get the feeling she is one of those who cant cope without a man) is like giving me the you want to get married... to which i replied..thanks for the offer but im ok for and then she went on a bit more..seriously though.. i hate that conversation.. i do not sit around thinking gee i want to get married(i get the feeling that MAYBE she does)... i think first i would need to get my head around the having a boyfriend when i explained the situation that i have just formally finished(physically finished MONTHS ago) after 15 years(christian) she did kind of back off a little..i have said it before..i would definitely rather be single forever than settle..if someone does not make me happier than i am when im single, then thats a deal-breaker...
also im a conchy little nerdburger..and i wish she wouldnt drop the f-bomb when students can hear (like every 2nd word) im so precious

..oh and after my run..on the way home..i ACCIDENTALLY stoppped off for 20 mins and bought...ummmm..3 pairs of shoes..oops

Thursday, October 11, 2007

..glad that's over soo glad yesterday is over..i really shouldnt have gone to work was too in class, i said to my 12's...did i have you guys yesterday????? ..... i seriously cannot remember even taking the class.. i remember being faint for half the day..and at one stage taking my cardigan on and off 10 times trying to work it out...the year 8 co-ordinator was looking at me home.... and then today he was telling me he was sure i wouldnt be at school.. i twirled around and said..but see i was able to dress myself
..too many things going on in this head yesterday(and body) begin with i should know that if i i) cry and ii) am feeling faint then it is probably the day before ....... i really dont do the girl thing well
..also i was feeling a bit rejected yesterday(probably more to do with my hormones being decidedly chaotic).. i dont know if ive done something wrong
ps..the crying was about my sister going to america..not boy issues

heres my latest dilemma(s): i want to run..but until today have been really quite unwell..still not 100% and i cant run tomorrow because im playing squash(having a match play-first time with someone in 6 months :) so no running sat i might just have to toodle out in the dark and do a slow 3-4kms..and if i dont run today and on the weekend then my kms wont be 15kms and i wont be able to start incrementing..which i am champing at the bit to do
..and i want to run the spring into shape 4kms this sunday but....i)my achilles is still a bit tight ii)my qasi coach has told me not to do ANY speed work(no faster than 5min/kms) iii)winter presentation night on saturday so may go out after ..but ..i really want to go in it... i wonder if i have the discipline to only run 5min/kms ...maybe i should just go out sat and get completely drunk(lol) and then it will be a MOOT point anyway.. ok i think im gonna go run(fingers crossed i dont go splat on the pavement)
edit:5kms@5:06min/km not a great run..probs too fast for how i feel..achilles for me..felt a bit faint at one stage but passed quick enough

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

..just a crap day really the title suggests..just a crap day really..
i wont bore you with the details.. exercise..
..and im p#ssed thats not right... im trying to work out what the word is..cant really work out..disappointed? confused? annoyed?i dont know ..all over the shop today.. i think im going to go to bed early just so this day can be over
..achilles tight but not hideously so.
thats it im waffle..shortest post put in a lol,but im really not in the mood

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

..icing..why you might ask?

..well o friend o mine
..that would not be because i have re-injured my achilles.. it is because i went for a reasonable run today... and wait for it.. this word is rarely used in conjunction with jojo..i am being SENSIBLE... jojo nods her head all smug..yep me and sensible..holding hands
..what has become of erratic, i wonder how she makes it through the day without being run over by a car jo? well its the 6month back injury followed by an achilles strain..hang on..youre can NEVER all tuckered out after being sensible jo for ONE whole day...fruity fruit fruit loops of doop
ok so the run..i was told by my quasi coach that i could do 15kms this week with my long run of 6-7kms(thats a bit sad isnt it..that6kms is MY LONG run)..well i decided i better do the long run as early as possible just in case i re-injure or get sick or who knows what demons the running gods have in store for this week!
6kms(there is no way achilles would be happy with a little tight at 5.2kms but not sore)
30:40 so average pace of 5:07min/km .noice!i goldilocks'ed it up..not too fast.not too slow
.. and also i was told not to play squash after a long run:(snorts that it is a long run) and since i cant play tomorrow anyway... cos i have after school sports,drinks and then a massage..and then who knows

hope my mara pals are not too sore..

happy little josephine.. hugs and kisses all 'round
ps: and HOW cool is this Calvin and Hobbes quote(very apt for me...)i loooove C&H
i have plenty of common sense...i just choose to ignore it!

Monday, October 8, 2007

..the fun times are over

..back to school :(
not too bad little rugrats today... pretty tuckered out today.. am struggling with the lite ne asy thing as it is WAY less food than im used to..had to supplement a little bit cos i have been HUNGRY ALL day and was feeling a little faint earlier...i was hungry straight aftert breakfast,all through the meeting..tummy grumbling.still hungry after lunch... finallly not hungry after dinner
..been doing my homework... and decided no squash but would go for a wlk...not very happy that an hour after the walk my achilles was pretty sore..stupid thing...will have to ice it now..and i HATE about to go out and buy peas...dont have any in the fridge cos of stupid lite n easy
pmsl at sam's comment yesterday..cant remember the last time i heard the expression 'pash' LOL
..short post today cos i am a bit washed out and stressed about other stuff..gees youd think i ran the marathon!!! i think my body has gone out in sympathy

Sunday, October 7, 2007

..a big day

..well i was a good gal last night and drove out.. OMG there were a lot of men where we were..bridie oreilleys had the rugby and soccer gf was WAY keen to stay but at midnight im like i want to go home... she was not had marathon commitments today :) no running of course up at the crack of chat to morsey.. then on the way... handed out snakes and icypoles all morning... i was keeping tally of all the names i got..(i made it into a comp of course.. there were 2 legends,3champions,1dear,1love, 1 angel,1saint(i liked those...but got beaten because Sue got called GOD(show-off) and Sara got a kiss...however i was Queen of the darlings with 7 in total! woohoo was a great day..saw sam looking really strong and a great run, kathrynOh ran very well and was excited to see us..,sounds like em ran well considering, and lee and jaykay enjoyed their trot together, and joey got beaten by he rman:you will justhave to kick his butt next
was really sad to see ajh limping..i called out at 34kms, was looking for jh but still yet to eyeball him-he may be a figment of my
didtn make it to transport..decided to be conchy little nerdburger and come home and do homework(after a nap--even though my friend tells me naps are for little children...well call me a toddler and tuck me in i say!!!!! year 12 SACS this arvo

..achilles a bit better today, back heaps decided to go for a i had a discussion with stu as to how many kms i could do..he said 10kms and i scoffed but i have to say..that along with 1hpur of squash and 2 sets of water running really was spot i stand corrected and won scoff next time today i just did 3kms at 4:55 min/km pace to bring it to the 10kms..but i can tell that the achilles could not have coped with much more..will ice it tonight..
ive had a great holidays..jojo is happy little campers..
and so proud of all my friends who ran today
oh yeah havent quite stuck to ite n easy used to a LOT more food, getting better not good at being hungry though

Saturday, October 6, 2007

..i dont really like climbing into bins thoughts today are going to be ordered and coherent..i have had way too many blonde moments in the past 24 hours i said to my friend yesterday..if people didnt know id done a double major(chem/maths) they really would think im the dumbest person on the does take skill to be this ditzy you know...ive taken a lifetime of practice to get to the Grand Master

lets start with yesterday
1. got my new credit card.. woohoo ( i reckon they have some pre-made for me..seriously..i only reported on wed
2. walked to the tram stop, waited for 8mins and look in purse...oops forgot wallet..trundle home and walk back to tram stop and wait for 10min because i didnt check the time when i left again..
3. someone fainted so i was asking him questions etc..and my gf told me off... i get a bit fiery(no-not you jojo..LOL) so i fire off a text to another friend saying how pissed off i am and i think i might go home...3 minutes later get a text back from my gf that i was complaining about...OOOPSIES...had to laugh.. sorry one little reminded me of the time that i had organised a date with a guy(few years ago now) who looked like christian..and i was freaking out a bit so texted my friend saying my worries, and i wasnt sure if i should go etc.... oh sorry meant to say 'I THOUGHT i texted my friend... i texted THAT guy..soooooo embarassed...didnt enjoy that phone call where i was apologising PROFUSELY
finally up to today...whew

4. decide to be sensible and go water running..get in the whats missing jojo..yep a towel..Em can vouch for how many times i forget stuff and trundle back to the car(yesterday it was my trackies at the squash courts..derr)
5.see my tomato plant that i lovingly bought last week..and promptly forgot about so try to resucitate it..hehe
6. and this is a doozy..decide to clean my car cos my niece told my bro in law i should(lol)..anyway at the moment..i have two loose car house key(cos you might remember i lost my keys)..have hte house key in my hand while im throwing stuff in the bin and am actually thinking be careful wouldnt want to drop it..(i think sometimes thinking things MAKES it happen)..go to the front door..oops wheres the key..its not in my pocket..didnt i put it in my pocket...odd..check the car/handbag..look at the bin...noooooooo..lift the lid up and it is SMELLY..yuk fortunately not much in there..but there is my key WAVING and LAUGHING at me the naughty i lay the bin down and literally half climb into it to get the stupid key(it was one of thos massive green ones)..i hope my cute neighbour who i talk to wasnt looking or i might forever be known as BIN GIRL
..seriously Im that girl..i reckon im the type of person who would ACTUALLY fall on a banana skin.. slapstick comedy is not fake..its based on morons like me

anyway went water runnning..being sensible is no fun..was supposed to run..but back was kinda sore from squash and achilles was well also a bit sore..10mins of swimming first...and i tell you if youve been out drinking, it wasnt much fun with the head under the water so did water running instead..35mins with HR at 140ish..couldnt do speedwork..i was all raggedy anne

Friday, October 5, 2007

..maybe im bi-polar...LOL day..good day bad mood etc... LOLunfortunately my moods are WAY too tied up in how much exercise im allowed to do..
..but well today the bipolar is the excited pussycat...
achilles was a bit sore after the run yesterday so after sending a self congratulatory email to a friend saying how sensible i was being and that i wasnt doing squash drills as a result...
..then an alien seemed to possess me..and beofore i knew it i was on the squash court... oops... so i used my half a tube of denco-smelly-rub and lots of stretches and started on the court..ball was much bouncier cos of the heat so didnt have to lunge so low... the back was sooooooo much free-er and it even let me do some running lunges(no quick ones) and i wasnt anywhere near as nervous was great..also made me assess the type of player i am..i think i will come back a smarter player..or at the very least a more efficient player.. I dont need to run like im about to be shot..i was practicising moving around the court in a more flowing slower style... i was pretty shots are fairly average but im not concerned with that at the moment.. and im trying no to get carried away(but well im a carried away type gal) b8t maybe im not quite as far away as i thought only a couple of days ago... fingers crossed i pull up well went and saw my grandma this morning with my nieces..which was nice..shes so frail though
..and am about to go have drinks for my friend's bday... what a great day i have had today..
..will really have to buckle down and do some work tomorrow(and either a run or water run)
have a great night y'all

Thursday, October 4, 2007

playing with ali

i went to the track tonight and did laps on the oval.. 4kms at an average pace of 5:25min/km. usually that would be SUPER cruisey but i was actually breathing more like it was 5min/km pace..go figure..
maybe it was cos i didnt get much sleep...went to bed at 1:30 and then stupid flatmate put the washing machine on a 1/4 to 7..thanks very much for that!and worse still because a few months ago we discussed appropriate times for the washing machine to be used..shye is driving me crazy..we asked her to move out 5 WEEKS ago..cmon..get out already...if she doesnt go soon, i may have to just move out..sam(the good flatmate) is like she'll go eventually and im like well i cant stand it..i hate being at home when she is here...i dont know when she is going to yell again and im constantly walking on eggshells... anyway we'll see
..had my niece today agai..what an angel..pcked her up from kinder(cant take the younger niece cos she naps at 12:30) so i took ali to meet my friend..she LOVED it..all coy at first then, you couldnt shut her up..she even puckered up at the
..than hometo mine..cos shes been asking to come to my house..and a bit tired because the next 3 hours consisted of
..singing and dancing to the cat in the hat...over and over the same song
..playing roly poly
..pretending to be animals and stalking and jumping on each other
..then runnning around the jojo you must stay behind me..
..and then timing each other racing around the house
..doing each others hair(mine looked terrible) and looking at all of my necklaces
..whew it was pretty tiring..and she just about carked it in the end..she got a bit overheated(she may have had a tempterature i think...oops)
then took her home..we had a GREAT day..whew needed a nap after that

..and then of course off to training which was a bit depressing to watch everyone else doing seed work :(

oh yeah..and i did lose something yesterday..i bought strawberries which i know were in my car cos i ate one...umm they never made it thinking i left it on the top of my car..wasnt there 4 hours later...was very weird..but then today i did see the empty container

taking my two nieces and brother in law to see my grandma who is 92(but quite poorly) tomorrow

oh yeah and started lite n easy today… the dinner was yummy..and the first time for veggies in quite a while

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

..someone elses hands all over my butt..join the queue!

.,today started with another new persons hands all over my butt...sigh..
..seriously since this many people can touch wobble and shake my glute is quite extraordinary...LOL
i had clinical pilates..apparently i am tight EVERYWHERE..yepp already knew that...thanks to my MT..cant switch my glutes off..yep..right little tight right trapezoid is doing something weird and she just laughed at me saying ummm its got it whole own thing goin on when i try to get into good posture(which feels ridiculous) i have to over empahasize pullling the right shoulder down and back so i feel like im completely out of back is not firing much(cos its been injured for so long) and all my other muscles have been keeping me upright instead of the ones that should be..
tight hipflexors..check...tight hammies..check..tight glutes..double check..tight quads..check... i dont know what it is about me..but im sure its a bit weird when your medical practictioners laugh at you...hang on that might be with she was lovely...i was trying to tell her the glutes were tight from squash but she wasnt having a bar of it spent the day being very productive..
..cleaned up my room..a better job than my normal one...mopped..cleaned up my section of the garage..although i would guess standing up on chairs with my bike wasnt great for my back..oopsie..umm i only did it three times... this might be a bit disturbing..i didnt realise quite how ummmmm stressed i was... i decided to defrost the bar fridge which had an ICEBERG in it. so i got out the screwdriver and well went to the hacking process...seriously i think i was getting a bit too into took me ages..and even when it said dont use a sharp implement(once i could see the writing) i think i was too far in a frenzy then to stop...LOL.. i really need to start doing some serious exercise soon... i just dont seem to get rid of this extra energy... i did have a reason for doing starting lite n easy tomorrow
naybe i should go for a love to go for a run but a friend said i should start on a riduclously small amount and im trying to do as im told... but i dodnt know if i can.............. i have hte willpower of...ummmmm..someone who doesnt know what willpower is.. least i didnt lose anything today..i decreased my credit card limit yesterday..and then decided i had better report the DRATTED thing lost....
good grief charlie brown
edit: pool runing 5x2.5min intervals x 2 sets

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

..its a different 'R' word today

..the "R" word today may just be retirement..
..i went and did squash drills...i am sooooooooooooooooooooo much further away from competition squash than i realised. its depressing... i wasnt even running fast..but i can tell you my back is not a happy little camper.. only did 30mins..anyway clinical pilates tomorrow..expensive $70 for the firt session not going to retire...ill give it a red hot go before that..unfortunately i am just way further back than i thought :(

..took my niece to the movies today..OMG..she ATE the whole was kinda funny..i usually love kids movies..but i just couldnt get over the RATS in the kitchen thing so ratatouille just wasnt my cup of tea..i bought her a special bracelet.. and we had a very nice time..but she is soooooooo bossy...we werenot allowed ot eat ANY popcorn until the movie started...not the no no...not till the actual movie started
..she needs stuff to be just so..and in its rightful place..which is why she really didnt like it when i lost the car and we were wandering around the carpark..i ended up having to carry her...i did eventually find it ..thank god.. and i was soooooo exhausted when i got home...

Monday, October 1, 2007

..whats that 'R' word..could it be....

..yes it could out there running.. mind you, it was only a baby run..
1km walk, 1.2km run 400m walk, 1.2km run, 400m walk,800m run,400m walk
the running average(3.2km) 4:54min/kms(i was trying to run slower but just didnt seem to manage it today)
achilles was generally good... niggly at most(which was pleasing) back was a tiny bit tight.which is why i stopped at 3.2kms
..and then had a massage..corrie said i was heaps better still hurt like bggery tho when she was working on my achilles an awesome day today..only one thing woulda made it better

am taking my niece to see ratatoille a treat picking her up from kinder and then having a choc top and popcorn..shes very excited..she will have been talking about it for days

..have been really good with my food todya(so far) cos im having a real FAT day..its only 700g(at 62.2kgs :(
...but it is a really noticeable 700g..oh well lite n easy on thursdya major;ly excited about the run..woohoo..and will do squash drills tomorrow..ACTUALLY on the ciurt...double woohoo!

edit...ummmm did i mention i lost my credit card again...ummmmm...not joking too scared to ring up and report it...theylll think im melting down credit cards for evil purposes..this is JUST ridiculous... oh yeah and i also lost my keys somewhere(but i might find hte keys yet) tried to lose my camera on the weekend..fortunately a gf..katrina picked it up for me..when she saw i thought it wanted a new the pub...derrr can i blame the blonde bits in my hair????