Wednesday, August 8, 2007

..what day is it???

..having a 6 day timetable confuses the heck out of me..i now think in terms of day 1 -6 rather than mon-fri so i never seem to know any more what day hurts my poor little

had a good day today...although deciding to wear really large heeled boots wasnt he greatest idea..back a tiny bit tight.. i stoppped midway on the stairs just to check how hogh they didnt think to check at the top...anyway as i was checking i noticed that there was a sticker on the back of my said Great had come of this nice 2 pack of seamless undies) had to have a laugh..thanks god i saw it before i ventured in double year 12's... shakes head exercise at all today..have a dry cough,bit listless and ..and have a cold sore(start of_ thats the 2nd one this year..have only had about 6 ever!!!!so too close together..for my liking...think ill go for a long run tomorrow..
anyway thats about it for today..
..ohhh and its nece to finally have access to my cash money for two days was driving me nuts..had to scrabble around in my car today to find some money for lunch.... i dont do the not enough money thing very well any more im such a spoilt little this weekend..yaaaaaaaaaay
..sooo vegies galore for me for the next few days..and echinacea,garlic,zinc and a bit lack lustre..some people actually prefer me in this mood


Anonymous said...

OMG jojo, PMSL about the near miss on the "great value" sticker - the students would have caned you with that one!!!

I went to a school that worked on a 7 day timetable - as you said, hard enough remembering what day it is without also remebering it is day 6 or whatever....

MorseyRuns said...

great value- could have been worse- your butt could have been "inspected by 25"! We had a 10 day cycle so it was more of "is it week one or two" and I just took my gym gear every day to be sure!