Tuesday, August 14, 2007

..nup..hadnt forgotten

..how to run that is.. i was a little concerned that maybe i had forgotten how to run after sat's atrocious attempt(recall the rolling on the ground trying not to spew) admittedly though being a ble to breathe helped.ie not being sick.. i was debating whether to run at all today..was having some pain/niggle in the glute at the back(which is worrying)and some ache in the lower leg(again slightly worrying)..so i waited and i waited and i waited(ok that was about 3 mins..im impatient ok!) and then decided if i dont run today, i cant get in 2 runs this week b4 xcountry..so out i went..
plan..5.1kms at a slower rate..ie 5:20 ish..was congratulating myself on how much better at pacing i was(although i did power up the final hill) and how easy 5:20 was compared to a month ago(i was cruising tonight..felt vstrong) anyway when i finished id actually run 5 min kms..which isnt fast fast but faster than i meant!!but EASY!!!

had to stay home today as i have laryngitis,cant get out of tomorrow as parent interview that i cant reschedule..
so whats a gal to do on a day off...... when she cant talk..... ummmmm you probably guessed...shopping...well i left my hot water bottle(yes im a nana who takes a hot water bottle to sit on a couch..its purple and cute too..it keeps barney happy) at my friends house..so of course..I HAD to go buy a new one..and while i was there i bought a warm fluffy jacket,some socks,a sports bra,some other bits and pieces..feeling shop-xausted..will finish this later...gotta go have massage,..been called up to the plate early


Anonymous said...

OMG, you have lost your voice!


Hope you get better soon

Kathy said...

Hope you recover your voice soon. It must be really frustrating.

When I started teaching in Mildura I lost my voice for a while - strained it trying to speak over the airconditioners. Mind you, it came back, louder than ever. :-)

Sounds like you had great fun shopping. It also sounds as though you have a credit card again.