Friday, August 17, 2007 running..but crazy busy weekend..

..after a late night last night, i waaaaaaaay struggled to get outa bed...there was no bright eyed and bushy tailed thats for sure..
..back not as sore today as yesterday thank god! and i got one of my friends to help me with my tests to see if it was bad back pain, or just back pain.. still had strength in toes so not too bad and can walk on heels..without foot falling flat to ground
yes..yesterdays session was faster than meant(didnt feel fast tho) and particularly with a sore back.. off out with jay tonight to HM theater to see some show(queen??).. should be an absolute hoot.. meeting her at transport in an hour.. so will have to hightail it outa soooooo hungry though i could eat my arm...that doesnt bode well for staying away from junk..
..and i didt eat my two pieces of fruit that i said i was going to try to do everyday for a week... I suck

..job at my new school being advertised this week, VP grabbed me today to let me know it was being advertised and i reckon about 5 or 6 other people are jo..i would be EXPECTING you to apply..sheesh...i get it!!! no guarantee ill get it but i will at least apply i spose(altho im a very lazy job hunter..i hate selection criteria..

ok enough waffling from miss jo..everyone have a good night..
think of me at 9am tomorrow when i have sat morning sport after a few drinkies with jay(may be good and restrained....hmmmmmm that certainly sounds like me doesnt it LOL LOL
breeeeeeeeeeeeathe joey bean breathe
oh yeah XC tomorrow.. woo hoo..if barney is a happy camper, i might actually try out a bit of speed(if i have any!!!!!)


Kathy said...

It gets easier to respond to selection criteria the less money you have in the bank! That's my experience anyway.

Enjoy your run tomorrow. Look after Barney.

Anonymous said...

Goodness jojo- late nights, big workload of new job, nights out on the drink with jay, early morning sport, xc as well....does the saying "burning the candle at both ends" mean anything to you??!! Have a ball mate, wish i had the energy to keep up with you!....

Kathryn said...

Have a good run tomorrow.

I'm with you on the selection criteria thing, sometimes it's too much to cope with.

lg said...

Yuk, applying for jobs brings back such bad memories!! Good luck with it!