Sunday, August 19, 2007 you ever do something different

..we get so rigid and caught up in our whilst i was getting dressed today i decided am going to do something different matter how small.. today i changed the order i got dressed(obviously the undergarments have to go on first....IM NOT SUPERMAN LOL) and have worn my hair in a new style ive never worn.. to yesterdays run..didnt post much cos i was a bit grumbly ..what with being so freaking sore..i was struggling to pick stuff off the ground after the run :( anyway alot of hot water bottling and a bath and a nurofen and barney has stopped having a hissy fit and is just sulking a sure hes thinking about those heels i have to wear at the wedding next week.. itll be ok barney

so 28:05 was fairly happy on the course considering a)i have barely ANY kms in the legs,and i found it tough took me 5kms to catch the 12 year old running for our club.she was about 20m ahead of me for sooooooo freaking long, and this one girl anna and i had a bit of a battle(diff club), she was ahead, i overtook up hills, shed overtake again,id overtake etc..caught her again with 1km to go and im going cmon anna and shes like im stuffed..take it home strong jo dont let me catch reply dont let me get away anna..come on... she was only 5 seconds behind so it was pretty close... as it usually was last year too
..have the wedding rehearsal today..and getting the academic gown off morsey runs
..trivia at coburg last night to raise funds for deeanne nobbs who is off to holland in a week to represent australia in the 100km go girl!! i donated a bottle of JD scotch,a 6 pack of beers and 2 purses from vietnam to the auction.. and some cash at the end of the night
obviously good kharma for me.. cos when there was a raffle(4 prizes) i won twice???? i won a small picnic hamper with inbuilt cooler and a choice between a sports bag and a running jacket..mens size M was absolutely going to swim on me so i took the sports bag
somewhere this afternoon i have to fit in a bucketload of marking before year 12 parent teacher night tomorrow night..already feeling stressed cos still not much voice and talking til 10 isnt going to help after a full on day of teaching
might edit later after the wedding rehearsal and coffee with morsey..time for a gossip sara eh?

Jobs I’ve Held: checkout chick,footy food gal,stickers on polystyrene planes,nanny,punching holes in safeway bags,hostess at the races,bar work,sandwich hand,waitress, maths teacher, It company data analysis and IT helpdesk, indoor postal officer and also filled in as outdoor postie(i have been working since i was 13 ..never been sacked!)

Movies I Can Watch Over & Over: quite a few cos i dont pay enough attetion the first time(attention span of a gnat)

My Guilty Pleasures: fish and chips.. and Dr Phil when im on holidays(and soapies)

Places I have lived (in order): Melbourne, melbourne and ...well melbourne(about 20 different places though!!)

Shows I enjoy: if its bad tv, then i usually like it.. The Bill, Chaser, House,grey's, brothers and sister.loooooooove SCRUBS,Family guy,numbers,too many to mention

Places I Have Been on Holiday: Queensland, syndney,canberra, vietnam, europe(ireland england edinburg france)
Favorite Foods: mmm food..quite into asian food at the mo..the spicier the better

Websites I Visit Daily: ausrun, bloglines,my banking,ebay

Body Parts I Have Injured:
fractures-zygomatic(cheek bone) little bitty toe, 2 fingers on right hand,2 teeth broken when kneeboarding
disclocated:2 joints on left ring finger,
strains sprains: lateral and medial ligaments on ankle, hamstring, both quads,calf,achilles, quadratus lumborum,sacroiliac joint
lumbar disc bulges:2
stitches:forehead,right thumb, left knee, right knee(too many times to count),back ,belly
black eyes:being hit in eye with squash ball the day before first teaching round.
other:i dont know where having a sewing needle in your belly for 10 years goes..or even a leech in your eye LOL
me..clumsy...nononono..although i have developed a falling technique ( i wont even tell you how many times ive fallen down stairs)

Awards I’ve Won: city of melbourne award, quite a few running things as a junior burger(2 vic championships), squash premierships, basketball trophies, 2nd tier winner in the A grade and below at mooorabbin, coburg female XC club championship last year(all the good runners were out..seriously) coburg best all round summer senior athlete(only cos of the sheer volume of events i went in..seriously undeserved that one!!!!) oh and im sure if there was an award for talking id win that :)

Nicknames You’ve Been Called: you'll laugh at this one..mouse(and it was not ironic..i was painfully shy as a child), joey,jobo, joey bean, josephine, a couple of plays on my surname, midge(short for midget..i was very short till year 9)jobeth, jojo,furter, steiner,granpa jo(from charlie and choc factory),speedy(yeah thanks for that article in the paper when i was took YEARS for that one to subside..i hated it)

i dont know who hasnt been tagged.. ill tag jh,stu,celeste(cant remember if done)clarkey im crap at this..


Andrew(ajh) said...

I hope you're not suggesting that The Bill is bad TV ? If you are I might have to come round and sort you out.

Kathy said...

There's nothing like good karma! Good luck with your voice.

What an injury list. Makes my paper cuts look a tad trivial.

JH said...

Hey "furter" (???), it might have been easier to list the body parts you haven't injured.

Stu Mac said...

hmmmm not sure I'm happy about being tagged, more than 20 years of contact sport, way too may injuries & broken bones! Moved so many times as a kid, way too many primary schools, moved so many times in 20 years of the Army, I don't even remember most of the addresses.

Anonymous said...

I realise we have the same(ish) name so the fact that i get called joey and jojo are no big surprise- but guess who used to get called "mouse" also - strange heh?? (Especially when both of us are rarely quiet!!)