Thursday, August 2, 2007

..i dont like getting in trouble

..well not trouble..i dont like doing the wrong thing..cos im a fretter and i fret about things..which is why when i behave in amanner i dont like(not work related) then i stress and fret and freak about it.. anyway pretty sure i annoyed a friend sure they will get over it but i cant believe what a moron i am sometimes...
..anyway to clarify/ jay seemed a little tryin on jay's bra cos they are like $100 to order online so i just dont wanna fork out without seeing what it feels like..and we moght have a small drink while im there..and oi hafta show someone my hideous circles on my back!!!!
..anyway one of my colleagues asked me to come and run the 'bouley' (boulevard) and hes like its 3.4 kms..very difficult when you dont know the course and one of your year 12' si running..he beat me which is good..he pb'd by over a minute..beat me by a minute actually..hehe anyway ran 20;42 and there is NO way that was 3.4 kms..i was tootling along..had to be definitely going to have to work it out..there is no no no no way i ran that slow for that much exertion...
anyway apparently its still the fastest he has for a staff member doing it..wonder how long before theyll have some males coming to run it so a female staff member doesnt have all prepped for tomorrow.. just about to head off to galpal jay's, and then on a bit of a pub crawl straight from work..yay..not a biggie..running on saturday...and i think im allowed to move it along a physio definitely mentioned 4;30..(there may have been a DO NOT GO FASTER than..which is no worries)just a matter if i can ,aintain it..i know i can maintain 4:40 will be disappointed if i cant manage 4;30
..may edit later with a photo
much better mood than yesterday..the whole christian thing(ex) does my head in occasionally


Andrew(ajh) said...

Glad you are feeling a bit happier today, and I'm sure one of the male staff members will rise to the challenge, especially if you rub it in a bit!

Anonymous said...

Jojo i mean this in the nicest possible way but i LOL when you wrote about pissing off your friend, only cos i can identify - it is the curse of the "overly exuberant tell it like it is club" and i suspect we are both life members!! will cause you grief at times and even occasionally lose you a (probably not so real anyway) friend, but the real ones will know and love you for who and how you are, tell you to back off and shut up when necessary and at the end of the day probably respect and love you for your "no bullshit" approach to life....

Beating the go girlfriend!!

jojo said...

joey there was no tell it like it is..there are times when even us wonderful gals admit we said something we shouldnt have and are actually just PLAIN in the wrong

Kathy said...

I hate being in the wrong. Fortunately, it doesn't happen all that often. (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.)

I think it's a great idea to try JayKay's bra on. Good ones are too expensive to get wrong. I encouraged my sister-in-law (much smaller than me) try on one of my racerback bras just so she could see how easy it was to get into it. She quickly became a convert.

Well done on being fastest staff member.