Monday, August 20, 2007

..even im over talking..seriously

..i was just on the phone witha friend and was over talking...yep those words sprouted OUT OF MY MOUTH..can ya believe it

parent teacher night home a bit ago and a soo tired...
im like an overtired baby..i feel sooo tired i could still wound having a wine
..too tired to be witty..dont know what my excuse the other days a weak fatigued lol at that..
gotta brain hurts!


Kathy said...

Hey, parent teacher takes it out of you. I'm sure you'll be back to normal (well, the JoJo version of normal) in no time.

Kathryn said...

Parent teacher nights are bad enough when you're a parent, I can only imagine how hellish they are for teachers.

Anonymous said...

You teachers really do a bang up job, I spent 2 days teaching a course once and I was stuffed, can't imagine how you do it every day.

Hope you got a good rest last night.

Kathy said...

Oh my goodness, you haven't blogged yet today. Maybe you really are over talking!!!!

Quick, get the old JoJo back.

JH said...

I'm "over" talking quite a bit, myself. Despite what you might think, in normal life you more or less have to drag a conversation out of me.

You, however, you can't be over talking.. That ain't right.