Friday, August 24, 2007

..hangs head..duly admonished

..having said that, my back feels a little better today..dont get me wrong- it still is aching a bit but a lot free-er so i dont know if hte run helped or not but it didnt aggravate it..could also be the cumulatoive affect of the anti inflams i have been taking for a week too i guess..nowhere near as much leg uncomfortable-ness today...
school was good.. put in the application..
..had a fun day today.. had to laugh in period 6 year nine maths..when i was helping a student and the boy behind me put a rubber glove on his head like a chicken(not over his nose only his hair...and im like yeah yeah take it off... and then the boy in hte back row quipped..but miss ..thats his thinking cap.. i seriusly laughed for a while(obviously i have the maturity of a year 9... there was some other joke they told that was terrible..and i still laughed.. had to be mega bitch with my year 8's..sigh again..but i know they actually prefer it that way of the boys even made the comment about how much more control i have than the lady before me.

oh yeah thats what i forgot to write...we all know im a wee (pretty apt) bit ditzy and dont always pay xcountry ive said to dee im we went to the toilets..ive gone in..noticed a big silver thing..thought to myself oh i wonder if thats where they wash dogs..oh well about to start getting changed and dee, laughing is like JO you are in the mens toilet..pmsl....LOSER LOL..yep that big silver thing was the urinal!!!

went and bought wedding present etc today... also was going down the escalator and then noticed the wrapping paper i wanted, so i started running back up the escalator(which was going down)...ummmmmm jo your clumsy(and last time you did this you fell over and had all that white gunk oozing out your knee cos it cut in so deep) and case you have a double disc bulge...dufus...fortunately this only took a coupla seconds to sink in and i turned around and went all the wat down and up!!!! seriously jojo!shakes head... oh yeah and money doesnt miraculously just enter your account.. if you want to use a card that youve never used before, you ummmmmm have to put money in said account(this credit card thing catches me off guard you see..

oh well made it home in one piece, slightly sore back will take some nurofen, going ver to a friends house soonish, still need to make wedding card, wrap the gifts, sat morning sports, then be at my friends by 5(have been summoned at that time til oh about midnight sunday..back hurts just thinking about those may need to buy some of those seamless undies too i think....

have a great night,.. thanks for all not being too mean when i was such an idiot yesterday... i deserved a smack alright mwah mwah


lg said...

I've got the younger end of the educational population and sometimes they do that are so stupid it makes me wonder what age my mentality must be at because it makes me laugh!

lg said...

That was supposed to read 'they do things...'

MorseyRuns said...

Good luck for the wedding- hope you catch the bouquet! Glad you didn't attempt any maneuvers on the escalator that could mean explaining bruises and scabs to the bride!

JH said...

Little known fact: we DO actually wash dogs in men's urinals. That's why dogs smell so bad.