Saturday, September 19, 2009

ughghhgh well that was SH#te run

..i honestly thought i would run well today and quite frankly I DIDNT. for some reason i just do not run the Tan well :(
My min/km rating was slower than my 10km rating/my 6km rating and also my time for the 4km death course of lardner.
Whilst it was a 15ish sec pb(but my pb was not up to scratch) it was a very poor race. I just struggled from WO- to GO
\- so not happy at ALL. it is crap

Oh well, not every race is a good one


Andrew(ajh) said...

To quote somebody recently on a comment on my blog "Don't be so hard on yourself" - a PB is a PB after all.

Although you aren't happy, knowing you, it wasn't due to any lack of effort or training! So be happy!

JH said...

It's clear what your problem was: you're supposed to run from "go" to "wo", not the other way round.

Ewen said...

It's because there are no hills on the track. Sorry you had a bad hair day - the next race will be good.