Sunday, September 13, 2009

..a fake Klutsy(clutsy?) movie fall know how in the movies you see those girls(boys) do those fake Klutsy(clutsy?) movie falls? well i did one of those today except that it wasnt fake...LOL
stu forgot his wallet(as soon as he left i made popcorn) so i took his wallet out(with said bowl of popcorn) said some smart ass comment and headed back inside(insert me laughing here)
am wearing my super dooper and slightly long trackie pants.As i walked in, the wire door got caught on my pants but i kept walking and hten it was like my foot got pulled out from under me and then i ker-plonked onto the ground(yep nice hard tiles) -with popcorn going EVERYWHERE( yep, im a good'un i am-isnt STU a lucky boy!!!! )-and yep-you have those moments in the middle where you know youre gonna fall and theres no WAY you can avoid it and damn stuff in my hands -oops ground!!!! and yes im fine-only jolted my back a little(its already sore so who would know if that hurt it more!!!!!!water running and pilates tomoz)

i had to call stu so he could have a laugh.picked up the popcorn that worked into the 3 sec(okay maybe 20second rule-i had to finish-my bewildered what happened scan first) and then got out the broom and shovel for the rest(which i didtn eat-im not completely gross you know)!!!! sat down at the couch and promptly KICKED over my can of coke zero...!!!!!!!!!! i am so crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it waaaaaas funnnnnnnnny

okay so this morning i did my 70min run..up to 60mins was pretty good(achilles and calves a bit tight/sore so i avoided the big hill). i quite enjoyed it-havent been to the you-ies for ages.. then stu and i went out for lunch-i picked something which had chips-forget what went with it :) !!!!! kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if it didnt have chips, it wasnt getting ordered-LOL.. about to be on my weekday health kick so had to have something delish-in 2 weeks the alcohomohol is also gone!
so 20kms this weekend is nearly equivalent to my last couple of weeks total! i know, i know, i must be the least trained runner gal in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i keep telling stu less is more with me. When i was actually a good runner (2.34.1) 800m when i had JUST turned 11) all i did was an 800m time trial 3 times a week(starting about a month before the event!!!) i think thats why im really enjoying having some time trials incorporated into my training.It feel very NORMAL. I wish there was more of it!(thats probably why i like to race so much) i never did the slow training stuff till i came back to running 3 years ago. and even then, its only been since stu i am discovering the long slow stuff(probs why im also starting to PB over the longer stuff)
i have been running about 28kms a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im SHITE man! but my back injury was part of the reason

-so if i ever get this all time PB(the 2.34.1) which was my sole reason for going back to running, (i did get 2.34.95 2 yrs ago) i think i will have to buy my coach a very NICE present-and if it IS going to happen it will be THIS year after coming off a very good winter season...See Stu, how do you like that for positive thinking regarding my running(i am apparently very negative(but i think it is just, i set myself big goals and i believe that you should always be striving- also, I used to be good and now im well-you know-not good) and also until i reach my 2.34 goal, I WONT be happy)
Ewen, not sure if i get any free time whilst at canberra-email me at and i will send you my phone number cos maybe we can get in a run together-and then you can see JUST how annoying i actually am in REAl life..... lol...shush stu- i dont think anyone asked for your rude comment :)


Andrew(ajh) said...

That time in between when you know you're gunna fall, and actually hitting the ground seems to take ages doesn't it! The last couple of times that's happened to me have been being-clipped into-bike-cleats related.

Anonymous said...

Where is the video camera when you REALY need it .... such a 'jo' thing - and to then WASTSE a good can of coke - even if it is Coke Zero .... !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops - that was me ....

And does the '3 second rule' apply to spilt drinks ..... gross

Eat Em

Em said...

That happened to me a few weeks ago when I fell after training, all I could think about was not smashing my garmin.

Note to self, watch out for speedbumps and don't try to draw a smiley face with your garmin.

Ewen said...

Mmm, I guess there's popcorn on top of popcorn that's good for the 3-second rule...

MorseyRuns said...

You need a puppy- then those bits of popcorn would have been gone in a flash! Dont know about the coke tho.