Monday, June 23, 2008

splish splash..and i wasnt taking no bath

..and yes... i is DELIBERATELY bad grammar...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the splish splash refers to me going for a swim...yes sinker of the sinkers went for a swim... not a water run,.... but a swim... and of course there was a man there who spoke to me..hes like ..oooh youre not water running today...yeah baby i look hot at the pool.....ummmmmmmmmmmm NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT... anyway he headbutted me last week when i was water running(backstroke for him) and hten he was asking me bzillions of questions about water running... i love how people just chat to me evrywhere i im sure it has nothing to do with how much i talk.... lol...sigh ahhhh how much i crack myself up... i keep telling my lovely bf how funny i am.... yet he wont have a bar of it!!!!
anyway swam 10 laps of 50m and then got the flock out of htere(that reminds me of ajoke..what did the shepherd say to his mate, cmon lets get the flock outa here).. it was furrrreeeeeezing in an outdoor pool... still all sniffly... and jojo what do you take when you go swimming... go on guess(i took bathers..they didnt match but it doesnt matter ;) ) errr take my word for it, it really isnt much fun without a towl(and my purse was in my car so i couldnt even buy one!!!!!!!!!!BUGGER BALLS!!!) yeah makes it even colder..and drying oneself under the hand drier(umm im sure when i was younger they wer heaps warmer)
...what a drama queen i am.... i cant just have a normal nothing happens kinda day can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! far out brussel sprout
anyway kicking back with the lad(well just had to do the final touches/corrections to reports) tired leggies today..dont ask about the playing the ostrich game... and stu convinced me to take my anti-inflamms for it////// oh yeah also.....vit D, glucosamine,(and echinacea for my cold)... i it is actually very helpful having such a bossy britches around who wont put up with 'it's all the way out in the car' cos i REALLY dont like taking medication crap of any sure people existed many years ago without it...surely i should be able to too!!!!!!!


Andrew(ajh) said...

Yes, I know what you mean, I have this little line up of pills each morning at breakfast, magnesium, multivitamin, glucosamine.

Kathryn said...

I hate taking medication too but I guess we have it for a reason. The pool without a towel sounds awful!!!

JH said...

Not bathing Jojo? Are you sure that's wise?

Ewen said...

They were warmer in the old days.

I existed until the age of 18 without pills - my mum was a good cook.

Anonymous said...

LOL I had to dry myself under a hand dryer once last year too, not at all efficient and terribly undignified!

Sure they did not have the same medication in ye olden times, but they also lived shorter miserable pain filled lives, so if you really are in pain don't feel bad about taking a pill, you know you are not the sort of girl to pop them like smarties anyway.