Saturday, June 7, 2008

...not too bad ..considering :(

Em, in particular knows how much i hate that phrase that i have just used in the title... the considering makes it sound like an excuse... but i think something i have to realise is that i have very high expectations of myself
///i haven't really acknowledged that its only been since May 9 that i was given the go ahead to start running again which is only a month ..and in all likelihood... what my body had to go through and try to recover from probably put my body under considerable stress.. so ITS probably not a surprise that IM NOT running as fast as i used to be able to but i do want to!!!!!!

anyway today was a handicap coburg race at heidelberg park on the dirt track(which is not a fast surface and most of the people ran slower km ratings than sandown which put mine into perspective as mine was actually faster)
anyway i started at 13:44 and jeremy started at 31 and CAUGHT me and passed me..what a gun!!!! anyway racing handicap is BIZARRO... no one to help pull you along...cos you peg someone back and then have to push...there is no settling like in a race where theres often someone racing the pace you want.... it WAS HARD HARD HARD.. i was feeling SHITE at about wasnt a good sign.... in all seriousness too!im really not fit enough to run anything further than 5km.. anyway turn around at 4kms 19:08 and then i finish in 38:37 or 38:27 not quite sure.... anyway it means i ran 4:48min/kms which im pretty happy about..cos it was NOT a fast surface... i was scooting along(and 4:48 is not ridiculously fast(well it didnt used to be)) but it felt fast(i had NO faster)
..errr the last 4 kms was a slog and a i said there was not any fitness and when i rang my like ..when will i be fit... an exasperated..JO not for another 4-8weeks..and something whiny from me i think followed by a line along the lines of ...suck it up that exactly what i need a coach put it back into perspective for me i guess.... considering ...(eeeeuuuugghghghgh) where im at...i ran pretty well

supposed to be writing reports...ummmm havent done any.... and meeting a friend for dinner..oops somebody needs to smack me
..long run either tomorrow or monday..but monday will muck up my other training on tues but would mean i had someone to run with
em,jay? where are you running tomorrow
blood tests this morning..i arrived at 7.55 am and i was 16th ..yes 16TH in the queue.holy guacamole batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..still stressing about the house thing... anyone wanna move out with a crazy runner chick... lol


Ewen said...

Handicap races are hard - you did OK. I agree with the coach 4-8 weeks and your fitness will be back where it was.

You've used more than 16 exclamation marks for the queue.

jojo said...

lol.. so youre the exclamation police tehn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oops now im in trouble ;)

Ewen said...

No, I'm the PB police. Be very afraid of claiming a 10k PB on a short course or I'll be after you!

Anonymous said...

well, considering (lol), that was a mighty fine effort :-)

Good sign that you fitness is starting to return, I for one know damn well how hard sub 5s are when you are on the comeback trail.

Anonymous said...

Handicap racing is the hardest form of racing, especially when the coach doesn't think you should be racing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry chicky I've only just got around to reading eveyone's blogs so didn't respond to where we were running!