Sunday, June 8, 2008

a long weekedn allllllllllllllllllllllllllright with a long weekend ...ummmm some may have expected me to have been working reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllly hard on my reports..... errrrrrrrrr i did clean stuff though... lol
vac'd my car(someone has been quite disgusted with how much mud etc there has been)

emptied the boot(which is now full as i did an exchange of all th crap i have at stus)

and we went bowling today with his 4 boys(+ gf) which was really quite fun.... my back didnt love it though so i was very glad i taped it... and also i went water running this morning (as i have done 46 kms since last sunday!!!!!) coach was not happy about water running option-i think he thought i was being slack but it truly WAS necessary..its been kinda a bad week with the back..well not a bad week..but well away from being a good of the ldays i had the taping on even whilst i wanst running
i SUCK at least i got over 100 each time(shhhhhhh it may only have been just) at least i bowled less gutterballs than someone..... lol but he bowled more strikes/spares

and then shopping

errr well some shopping before hand.... AJH will laugh at this cos he doesnt understand..but i errrr accidentally bought a stereo
...i get a bit caught up in the moment sometimes..impulse buying was named after someone saw me shoping obviously.. im there buying this jaffle maker(been looking for one for at least 2 years that doesnt cut teh damn things in half(can fit more baked beans in...yum) anyway was very very excited i rang someone
..anyway im poaying for it..and the spruiker starts talking about this stereo that is reduced to 179 and then as its the last one has been reduced to $50 ...ummm i dont think i even looked at it but i DID buy it...LOL ..immmmmmmm soooooooo bad
..and ummmm so im trying rush to get to teh bowling alley and i have to carry HEAVY stuff a LONG LONG way to car...kept having to stop for a breather.. it was heavy going... and then after bowling...some more shopping,,,i bought 2 work pants, 2 tees.. oh and some 'how now brown cow trackies to lounge around in... lol and no thats not a brand name... it just means trackies that are go..we ahafta decide what our dinner plans are!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Andrew(ajh) said...

LOL - impulsive mulch