Monday, June 16, 2008

snore city...booooooooooooorrrrrrrrrriiiiiiing

so f7cking sick of reports...please be finished..... i feel terrible about printing it out,but i just cant proofread it on the screen( i will re-use the paper) but i have had to print out 106 pages to proofread for my tutor group(and that doesnt include music or activities or sport wonder my eyes are all googly
...anyway come friday ..when i finish writing my tutor reports(subject ones done) and finish proofreading...i get to be normal jojo-well as normal as she is anyway
...and i even cooked stu dinner..well i made an attempt at spaghetti and meatballs...and we errr kinda worked out why it is that he usually cooks dinner...apparently he doesnt like pasta that is stuck toether...and didnt appreciate my extra special gift of a hair in his dinner.... lol.... only the lucky ones get that
..coupla wines and now its back to the slog
..oh and hte cptr is still completely DEAD...holy guacamole batman-that sucks the big one!!!!!! super stressd little pussycat this morning...anyway they managed to salvage my hard drive and put it into an old computer so im back on line...phew i was starting to get a bit an addict... well it is the WORST week in the history of the weeks for me to NOT have a computer... lol ..maybe i AM just a tad prone to exaggerating...
rest day today ..thank goodness..cos the back is being a f7cking little brat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just know its cos i was contemplating jumping ont he squash court(dont tell SM though-he'll go crazy at me)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geez Jo I'm feeling stressed out just reading about your week!!

Roll on Friday!