Wednesday, August 27, 2008

:( panadeine for breakfast is SH1T

....sigh,,you must all think im a terribly whiny little so and so :(
when my back tweaks(which is everytime i go from a bent forward position to upright-it feels a bit like a knife- anyway from the get go at work(couldnt quite straighten up-the back was having a hissy fit- rather than put up with it for a few hours first(im a bit over it) and then take panadeine i decided-i was already in enough pain!!!!!!!! and its extremely tiring to be constatntly battling it
anyway-as a result-it meant that no way no how could i do a 60min run on im an amphibian.. into the water i go..pretty chilly really in an outdoor pool, boooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring but it got done :( then i tried to convince stu that an hour of exercise was enough so could i skip lunges etc.... no dice
lunges and pushups 12/10/10 had to be still lunges -not forward lunges(hurt back too much to lunge on each step) followed by 12/10/10 squats/pushups... didnt love the squats because of my had to modify slightly..skipped the planks..and fdid my physio back strengthening(and core) seems like a suitable alternative

home at my place-probably a good thing cos im pretty sulky :(


Stu Mac said...

I'm sure I said "your choice". Well done on the set etc.

Unknown said...

Oh Jojo, I feel so sorry 4 you with your back....isn't there anything that can be done for you?

JH said...

I'm pretty sulky too.