Saturday, October 31, 2009

..a palpable relief

..i once (i may have mentioned on blog before) dislocated my finger(in 2 places) but was kinda in denial from august to december and it would hurt EVERYDAY for a small excruciating amount. i remember when i got my flatmate(poor girl) and made her pull it out and put in place...that i drove to the supermarket and whilst a very small amount of discomfort, i paused for a few moments and literally went WOW.... ABSENCE of pain. It wasnt until i had actually got rid of the pain that i realised how much pain i had been in(probably a little similar with my back too!)

anyway back to todayy, i knew i had been stressed this week but i dont think i realised quite how much. when i went to the doctors they gave me the films, and im like should i look stu? he was very noncommittal..."but what would you do stu?" still noncommittal"depends what mood im in(yes i DID feel like smacking him-lol-but he was a good bf and came to the dr)
anyway couldnt wait and i opened it and was super super happy to find that i was given the all clear. i honestly cant emphasize the feelings on this
i even had a little tear of relief-which really was the point where i realised JUST how stressed i had been(see that story at the beginning did have a LINK, it just took a wee while to get there)

honestly the relief is amazing, the expression, "a weight has been lifted off your shoulders could NOT be more accurate"
so stu and i promptly went out for lunch, had champers and then met our nice friends D and N and kept drinking merrily for the rest of the arvo

OH yeah.....running- stu tried to kill me (and the group this morning!!!) OMG at 27-8 degrees is was f*ing hot.. anyway there were hills and all sorts involved---too hard in first rep
1600m 4:27min/km
1150m 4:35min/km with a massive gradient yet probably only 100m hill OMG i hurt
790m 4:27 min/km with a very tuckered out jojo
780m but instead of last 300 being uphill it was downhill(first part was slower) but ended in 4.11min/km
and then stu made uus do the 100 steps(260m) which was awkward cos i tried one step per step but i was bounding and i knew too tough on hte back so had to two step per step- overall 5min/km and it was super tough!!!!

itll get easier as i get used to longer reps


Em said...


But why didn't the doctor just tell you instead of handing you some films and a report to read yourself!?

Aww, who cares! PHEW!

jojo said...

no i still had my appt, the lady behind hte desk gave me the films to take into the dr but i was impatient and read them first!

Ewen said...

Fantastic Jo - I mean jojo. That's better news than your medal from the Worlds. WooHoo alright!

Watch out now - Stu will have the whip out harder than ever ;)

Andrew(ajh) said...

Excellent news Jo, I am so relieved. No better excuse for a champers is there!

Anonymous said...

Great news jojo ....

Stu is a good bf .. don't you forget that :-) !!!!