Thursday, October 22, 2009

...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (oh and poor stu)

..thats about all i have to say(well okay maybe there is
if you're not in the mood for miss grumplestiltskin then i suggest you CEASE reading

i just want to be a NORMAL person, who when they cut themsleves they just get a cut that hurts for a day and doesnt get stupid cellulitis. I am apparently susceptible to it now after incurring the really horrible cas after the STUPID chain trying to rip my leg apart last year

My lip split the other day and now it is cellulitis(which really apart from the aesthetic is not great and all info says get medical attention immediatly D'oh) anyway i was going to wait a day or so more(been about 3) and stu said tonight that it was actually a bit swollen and so i had to get it done tonight. so i went off and waited for an hour and the doctor said yes it was swollen so now im back on antibiotics-staphylex 500(flucloxyllin or something) BUGGER and he said it was indeed good i came in and if i ever get it on my face i need to come in IMMEDIATELY.
NOT happy, been prowling around the house in a feral mood.and he MADE me make an appointment for a stupid PAP smear with a lady dr..stupid stupid grumble grumble grumble...Nobody lets me live in la la land where it is really quite comfortable....i dont like this "being an adult" business... did i mention STUPID cellulits and the fact that i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and ps OBVIOUSLY i am weak as pi$$

it was a split f&king lip for gods sake..... obviously being a bit run down, home at 11:30 from sydney on sun, work function monday, home at 11:30, work function last night, home 10:30 so some very long days plus school commitment this sat afternoon and another function for work saturday night..miss j is absolutely exhausted\

even stu must think i am, he even ceded today that i was indeed pretty tired and have been pretty busy lately-and yes this is hte same stu who thinks teachers dont work very, whereas usually he will just say 'get over it'. Although i think another friend of his who is a teacher and obviously stressed at the moment(because he is too busy to even complete) is making stu realise that i am actually managing my time reasonably well comsidering, i have meetings/training 4 nights a week lately plus saturday sport plus all the increased marking with two year 12s along with my normal marking and preparation
and im sure im no supposed to but im having a STUPID wine because im not in a very good mood cos ive got stupid cellulitis on my face. if it looks worse tomorrow, i will go back to the guy i went to last year(who was very experienced in these matters) and on the face it actually can get serious pretty quickly-

goodnight to normal people who can have normal injuries without being drama f7king queens


Andrew(ajh) said...

Geez, normally it's the woman nagging the bloke to go to the doctors, not the other way around!

Home it gets better soon!

Maybe you are doing to much ... you've been doing heaps of training recently ... maybe just a rest is required?

Em said...

Oh dear, you're in the wars, maybe you need to carry a little tube of savlon with you or some Tea Tree oil so you can disinfect any little cuts straight away.

Ewen said...

You're not as much of a drama queen as Jana ;) Poor Stu.

I wouldn't be a teacher for quids. I'm not even jealous of the 10 weeks holiday you get each year.

Unknown said...

Hey mate- hope your lip gets better- and if it doesn't then there is nothing wrong with taking a cosmetic day off work- I did it for nearly a week once!
Hope it all gets better and remember we only tune in for the drama! Seriously, take care of yourself mate. Sara (it wont let me sign in as me!)