Friday, January 30, 2009

OMG-he made a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i do crack myself up
..but my bf actually made a joke on his blog-go read it and see if you can work it out!!!!!! LOL i just about fell off my chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy bday jay

anyway-here in warrnambool-a coupla rest days-pilates wed, beach yesterday and nada today,
but back to school tues, pd wed,thurs and boys back today-just the form group from 8:30 -11:30 yikes thats a whole lotta time in not completely air conned rooms...but my office.........................
OMG its a freaking SAUNA- i havebeen sitting at my desk sweat, dripping down myfacde...SUPER SUPER conducive to good working CONDITIONS in case you were wondering!


Andrew(ajh) said...

Sauna = weight loss - there's always a silver lining!

Seriously though, can't wait for winter!

Ewen said...

You mean it wasn't really a beautifully cool 25 degrees in your motel room?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jo. You missed a really good night. Sorry you couldn't be there.....I have photos!!!!