Sunday, January 11, 2009

...oooh ouchies

...noted when i woke up(well was forcibly woken at 7am..on a SUNDAY.....mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
that my right glute pretty sore/tight..strapped the back and headed off to the you-ies...was not really in the mood today.... stu went for a 30min run b4 the others turned up so i did a 5out 5 back and then 2.5out,2.5mins back so i had done 15 mins with the heaviest deadlegs you could imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my back was telling me not to do the turntable hill-pretty stiff and sore--to be expected after a 400m block start
-so did branding yard road(wanted to measure for burkie) now had done 45 mins run, one girl wanted to do 2 more kms so ran slowly for 2kms with her-up to 57 min so another out and back run to make it to just under 70mins..... very slow, about 12kms but it was about all this cookie could manage today..had a few faster kms here and there and at times the footing means it is always going to be slower than it feels...people often misjudge their pace there i reckon...back sooooooooooo sore and stiff after-did my stretches and have taken a naprosyn 750-heavy duty stuff!!!!
...then a chinese massage...OMG my left calf was sore and when he was working on my back!!!!!!!!!! i think the muscles were so tight that he bounced

well done em you little superstar :)


Anonymous said...

:-) thanks mate

"he bounced back" LOL

Anonymous said...

You know those chinese men are light weights as a rule .... lol

Anonymous said...

So how do you rate the chinese massage over Corrie's massage?

jojo said...

..not even close to corries-but sinc ei wanted a massage ona sun(so it fit in with my training) it did the 'better than nothing' trick... corrie is WORTH every CENT

Ewen said...

I see the exclamation marks are creeping back in. Has Stu given up on moderating your blog?