Sunday, January 4, 2009


...finally a good run :) well a few little tummy issues(i had to stop and poo after running 3 mins) and was a little chagrinned as i stepped out of the bushes to see someone walking ...errrr pretty obvious what i had been doing... anyway ran another 6 tummy tumultuous minutes and had to stop and regroup-looking desperately for a good place-but i was opposite a house and no good coverage so i took off again and fortunately made it to the rangers hut... a little toilet stop.. but felt heaps better afterwards..
then up turntable which is a fairly decent hill. the quite hard bit lasts for a km and i was averaging 6min/kms during this period(only 7min/kms as i scaredy-cat-edly made my way down) i cant just go like a bull out of a gate for two reasons 1-very clumsy gal 2-stoopid back hurts downhill
anyway a 60min run-actually felt good..averaged 5:34 min/kms which included some up and down hills so pretty happy with that and after the rangers hut(aka very necessary toilet stop) it was a very enjoyable run(probably not drinking last night helped too!)

stu's about to go pick up the boys so its about to be mayhem and madness at point cook for the next week


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has toilet issues when out running!!

The girls all laugh at me when we go out running as I know every toilet block within 20km!!

Ewen said...

Did you have to mention the 'P' word?

Woohoo! Only one exclamation mark! Has Stu been on your case or something?!

JH said...

Not drinking? How did you cope?

Kathy said...

Enjoy the next week JoJo. You've got to love school holidays. My bro and 3 nephews are going to visit Canberra on their way to Sydney. Can't wait! Making all sorts of plans for their stay.