Thursday, January 29, 2009

..its been a few days

:yep its been a busy coupla days(havent written since sunday-unheard of
Tuesday-can you believe it- i was racing again- bit over it at the moment!!!

anyway the legs were tires-really want sure what i was going to run so decided id be content with anything under 5:50 for the 1500, sub 70 for the 400 since i had raced 1 week ago and sat/sun
..started off feeling really strong in the 15, albeit with heavy legs..but went out slightly fast 89s, then 3:04 ish then 4:37 (same as lat week) but no kick so finished in 5:46 in really hot conditions(my throat still felt burned the next day)-yes still hot at 7:30
and the 400-legs were feeling shaky like jelly-i really was done before i began. anyway i ran a VERY solid 69.06 which considering how over raced (7 race days from 10 Jan to 27 Jan)i am-is really pleasing..3 weeks ago i couldnt break 70s this season, last 2 weeks i have broken it 4 times... so 1500 2 s slower than last tues and 400 only 0.1 slower, so really not too bad a night
oh yeah tues-went back to school cos i am a mentor to a new teacher(trust me a lot OF WORK-not her but the expectations of what they had to demonstrate and document-
-wed- first real day back for teachers-all pd's and then off to pilates(no chance to run) as i had a school dinner after, then home to a rather grumpy young was quite funny- he wasnt mean or anything just i KNEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then tonight i was going to ring stu and say NO, i was not coming to train at the track, but he had decided to move it to werribee south i went for a slow 20mins- but on the return trip- i had to walk evry few mins because i was getting a little overheated!

okerly dokerly -are we all catched up???(yes i knooooooow its caught) OMG it was so difficult in the car on tues NOT to correct the young girls VERY VERY poor grammar -sometimes i have to JUST be a team mate and not a teacher, so i amde sure that i di NOt say anything(well at least until they got out of the car -then it just burst out and stu had to listen to it...hes very tolerant

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Glad you're not correcting their text messages ;)

You're going well. Nice to jog a 400 in sub-70 and 15 in 5:46. Hope it cools down to less than 40 for your 3000 time trial.

Congrats on surviving Stu's grumpiness.