Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...barney needs a smack

..barney is playing funny buggers at the moment...apparently i have been neglecting him...cos he is officially vying for my attention BIG time at the moment... barney(back) is so sore at the moment that i was a bit teary on the way home tonight(becomes extremely wearing when it is a LOT of consecutive hours) and IM not that soft! and believe me when i say this-i have a high tolerance for pain... i grew up for the first 10 years of my life with a sewing needle just sitting in the wall of my stomach!!!!!!!!(yep im serious!)(which i always described as a HOT tummy-WHEN I USED TO GET UP FROM BED AND COMPLAIN EVERY SINGLE NIGHT...LOL poor jojo...double lol), when i tripped over the chain last year(see gory photos and not to mention the time i got hit by a tram, had multiple bike crashes at 25km/h and walked away, smashed out teeth(2 plus fractured root of third-bloody expensive) on a kneeboard,too many stitches on other occasions , and ummmm well theres LOADS of others but people might start to think im accident prone, POINT is i KNOW pain, i know how to deal, this really wasnt very pleasant. Needless to say i took Naprosyn 750mg today-that helps and have had multiple wines :( i could barley get up otherwise without a whimper :( :( , had a committee meeting, where i also let someone know i didnt appreciate decisions being made and then being re-discussed based on information that later comes to light is incorrect!!!!!!
Thought i lost wallet-rolls eyes, at school knockouts today-felt like smacking an official-who after much discussion i said (calmly to her) that stated in the rules??? she got a bit fiery and retorted -well if you can find it somewhere, then YOU let me know- so i left and when and spoke with the person in charge. who came and sorted it(and YES, i was correct...i didnt go Na na ne nah nah, even though i felt like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL)

now where can i send barney on holiday so i can have a few days break from him....and YES i know its not possible-please just let me live in LA-LA land for five more minutes...
my birthday on saturday -old chickie that i am .. kinda winking.... old but not THAT old will be 37 years old
sorry-hope this doesnt come out a a whinge- not meant to be-had a relatively good day-theres just this ONE bUGGER of a thing at the mo


Ewen said...

Pur-lease! I don't need to be seeing all that gore before dinner. It's worse than Inglourious Basterds.

I hope Barney settles down. All I can offer, is when he's having a quiet time, hammer the stretching and core-work.

Andrew(ajh) said...

37 is not old. If it is, then what does it make me?

Hope Barney gets better!