Thursday, August 20, 2009

...prone to over analysis only takes one person to mention something and i may think on and off about it(until i come up with a satisfactory answer for myself) for days, weeks, sometimes months
-the last little stewpot, happens to be the question as to whether i like running or not and how it appears sometimes on my blog that i do not... yes i know i talked about it yesterday, but i have a NEW perspective
todays thought process-(and yes stu you give me program and i can choose to follow or not- this is not a reflection on you in any shape or form-you are a great coach-ive pb'd every winter race bar one) its more an indictment on how i view things... and im a little.... well..errrr..ummmmm......errrrrr .....make up your own mind
... my program is a 6 day program... i never make 6 commitments and other things get in the way...barring sickness or parent teacher things, i train regularly 5 days a week. if i dont make 6(from my program) i feel like i have failed and am therefore negatively disposed to my week of running... (and i feel like quite a dedicated runner-particularly for a PLEB who isnt actually VERY good!!!!!)i dont run anywhere near the amount of kms other runners make(ave about 30-35kms) (i honestly dont have any more time i can give-work is f-ing crazy)
I know its really how I am looking at things... i feel like i fail EVERY week to meet what i should do.... i dont know if i need a 5 day program-with a session that is preferred but not essential-im SUCH a goody two shoes that i feel terrible if i dont fulfil- stu has said to me numerous times not to stress over it but i do
when do i feel good about running?????-when i race, because all season i have run extremely well... a few of the quality training sets, and the sunday runs when i run with groups. so dont think i dont love it, i love parts of it but i have gone in a fairly short period of 2 years of being a 2x week training + 1 racing(+ a few squash games) to 5 time running training and thats still not enough :(
oh yeah tonight set was 8x400s, windy and also going to have to do last 4 by myself so got changed to 4x400,4x300 approx 85ish sec... from the get-go i knew it wasnt pretty(yep coming up to that time of the month-always a bad training session a few days before) 85,87,86,85...OMG these hurt then 300s 60,62,62,63 all with 90s recovery(which felt like 30seconds) so i ran ok

anyway on another note, a lovely dinner with my lad, who i s'pose i like ;)


Stu Mac said...

Nice solid sets. Well done

Andrew(ajh) said...

I'd say that the great results you've had over the last year or so, have obviously been a result of the hard work you've put in. Hard work is never going to be all fun, but when you can get great results like you have, I'd say it is all worth it.

Ewen said...

OK, I think we have a mind problem going on here!

Nobody gets in perfect training weeks, so as Stu said, don't stress over it. Stick to the 6-day thing and don't worry if it's only 5. If it were a 5-day program, then some weeks you'd be doing 4.

As to the weekly kms - 30-35 is fine, considering the speedwork and racing you're doing.

Also, you ARE good!