Sunday, August 16, 2009

im not 70% water

..after this weekend i am 70% alcohol...... ughghghgh some one had a few too many drinkies yesterday. friday night had to go to a committee meeting, then staurday morning junior athletics, you try warming up 250 year 7s...ughghgh htey do not listen(even with a megaphone-very annoying! then home then off to dayesford with 14 ladies from the club....

a few of us went and had a spa/hot bath thing at Hep*burn Spa and then home where we had facials(it was too busy to book in on the day) then a few champers, then out for dinner,(i had a lovely salmon)then back for more drinks-errrr and a bit of singstar(i am a dreadful
i think it was about 3.30 ish when we went to bed, and i awoke this morning ay 9:40-wow i never sleep in that late.
anway, it was absolutely BUCKETING down..and no body was looking like getting dressed so i wne tand got into my running gear(as i thought this might get the ball rolling) who wouldve thought with 15 people from the club there that my run this morning would be a solo one.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was flabbaghasted. ohhhhh and it was horrible..the first 20minutes i couldnt even get inot any rhthym. i did have to stop and wlak a couple of times. My head was throbbing-not fun!so i did laps of the lake-took a drink from something was rancid and i had to spit out d'oh i guess i shouldve heard the alarm bells when i had to pump it to get water out(it was about 100 years old) lol- it was disgusting.... and then from the lake up to hte main st was a huge hill so i walked most of that i ran 70mins but at least 6 or 7 of that was walking...
had a 2 min shower as i didnt realise we were supposed to out by 12 and i got back at 12-oops i was out by 12:15-then drove home tried to nap... then watching a doco ..and now it is now..NOW....NOW lol-sorry im being very annoying today..poor stu :)


Jaykay said...

You should have come down to The Tan and run laps with us....Michelle did 53km running around The Tan!!

Am just catching up so I'm going backwards through your blog to see what you've been up to!

Andrew(ajh) said...

I overindulged alcohol wise yesterday too! Feeling a bit blah today!

jojo said...

wow-6 weeks is over then?