Saturday, August 22, 2009

...errr thanks

...Thanks for all the nice comments left after the last ..ummm shall i put it ...foul mooded,temperamentally hormonal little so and so! i particularly like ewens comment so yes i will stick to the 6 day program-even if he did lie about the being good he does know what times i run doesnt he!!!!! i run well enough for fun runners, average for AV athletes, not too bad for a chick my age, and slower than i would if i cut out all the crap i eat and drink(which would easily equate to 2-3kgs)

we'll see if i continue to improve next year

anyway today when the alarm went off and it was time to go to work...sigh.... i knew what my set for the afternoon was 40mins with 15 min tempo thrown on. Given the timings, i am not prone to running well today and things hurt a bit when i i contemplated a water run, i also told stu i might skip the tempo and just do a 40 min run... anyway decided to go to the Tan(am racing there in a month) did 11 mins to get to the start.had a drink, then took off..worked pretty to 2kms in 9:10 (including anderson st) and thought nup so i took a jog break for the next 250..stopped at a water tap and then walked for 20?metres telling myself i would do anothr km tempo(the watch was at 10:25) when i started walkin(and stopped it)(but on the way back it was 15s of jogging)took off again-got to the 1km and decided to keep going so 7mins of tempo... The funny thing is (if i hadnt stopped i probably wouldve only be 10s off my tan pb) lol..the lap including 230m jogging was 17:25 and the walking bit was only 15s (if i jogged)so that would be 17:40 and my pb is 17:33. I am hoping to well and truly BEAT that time when i race here in a month so that bodes well...i didnt feel like i was running well-it was a slog.. i think ill go back next couple of weeks for the same session(yet not stop) just to see where i am at

then met up with stu and the boys for red rooster..i have to be the worlds worst it was nice though!

and feeling inspired after last weekends facials, i used one of those peel off masks today..i might even give myself a nice foot treatment too... the poor little tootsies are feeling a bit pounded and in need of some TLC.
I dont think i will run at the YY tomorrow- this working 6 days a week at the moment means htere is not any sleep ins if i go, so i think i will sleep in and do a nice leisurely run somewhere closer to home
plan for next week-DRINK A LOT and i mean LOT more water-need to make sure that i have 2L during the day... i would be lucky to be having 500mls at the moment..and i have been noticeably thirsty...shhhhhush stu i know, im making a plan OK!!!!!

5 days training this week, 2 quality fast sessions,plus todays quality tempo- 38kms this week so a good week altogether of training(for me that is-i know thats small chicken feed to most people competing)..i just need to get over myself and be happy with what I have done and forget about other people
sorry im such a PIA


Andrew(ajh) said...

Inadequate hydration is one of my major issues too I think. I think I drink more wine than water some days!
And you're not a PIA, let's stop this negative self-talk - ok!

Ewen said...

We're here to help!

As far as I can tell, you're not a PIA. I'd have to ask Stu about that.

At the end of the day, you can only do the best you can with what you've got. And you've got plenty.