Tuesday, August 18, 2009

...well that did surprise me

..stu told me my blog reads like i do not like running. That is pretty damn far from the truth. I love running, i love competing. however i have lots of times where i dont like sets, i dont like the run and im not feeling well or i am over tired and worked EXTREMELY hard. So now that that is cleared up i can talk runing again.
The set tonight was to get progressively faster with a 800/700/600/500/400/300/200 with 90s recovery
so this is what i ran
800 3:12 96s laps 4min/km
700:2:46 94.8s laps 3:57min/km
600 2:18 92 sec laps 3:50min/km starting to get tough
500 1:54 91.2s laps 3:48min/km
400 1:27 87s laps 3:37.5min/km
300 1:00 80s laps 3:20min/km
200 36 72s laps 3min/km

so i did what was asked. ran pretty well it was a fairly hard set but enjoyable enough.. i thik im doing 8x400s on thursday so i will like those two. The other thing about traiing over the winter is -i am a track runner-of course i dont like doing 5 min reps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! winter training is not really my type of training. i do it because it helps my summer season and i do it so i can compete ad i do it so i can get pbs-but it doesnt mean that i love winter..i am glad it is nearly over

all tuckered out(still from the weekend) no far off bed
big day tomz
gym- 5 on plus yard duty, atheletics training with the boys, then me running plus a meeting about a student... wheew definitely a early night


Em said...

On the other hand if I turned up to training as was asked to do 8 by 400 (which I've NEVER done) I'd run screaming from the track and go and hide somewhere and happily 5by 1km instead ;-)

Fortunately as a self coached runner I am not likely to ask myself to do 8 by 400 in a big hurry as I may then be forced to have a tantrum with myself and end up locked up in a padded room for having a tantrum with myself lol

Ewen said...

Those were good.

I'm over winter too - running in 5 to 9C every day is getting boring!

Andrew(ajh) said...

Sometimes your blog reads like you don't like your coach much too, and I'm sure that too is equally untrue :-)