Tuesday, August 25, 2009


..and im not talking about me! my supposed hard ass of a coach wussed it because of the atrocious weather conditions today-it was like 7-9 degrees and bucketing down and windy as all hell... lol... what a pleasure...wasnt keen but i hadnt run last night due to parent teacher interviews so i tried to see if anyone else would venture out...yep ripper bel and clare joined me... set got switched-no way could 800,700,600,500,400,300,200,100 progressives worked tonight! set changed to up to 20x200 with 1 min jog recover in 38s
actual set: most were 39, a couple of 40s into wind, acouple of 38,one 37... starting to struggle at 10 reps so cut it short at 15x200.. shuffled recovery for all bar 2-so it was quite hard for me. 3lap warm up 3lap cool down about 1.5km shuffle recovery so 6.9ish km
-so stu and i went out to dinner-burger and chips at the local....
knockouts for the boys tmorrow so heres hoping they dont get cancelled.... supposed to be doing homework but having a tanty and really dont wanna
Ewen-a run sounds good...depends if i can disengage myself from the rugrats(as on camp one can be on duty literally 24/7)..but i'm sure i can work it in somehwere :)

quite pleased with myself getting a run in that weather..whatta agood little gal i am! but was sooooooooooooooooo cold(felt like i was cold to the bone) so i fugure the only way to warm up is a bath-that made me stop shivering at least


MorseyRuns said...

You really are dead set crazy to run in that weather! It was so scary I piked out on riding 8km home from the train station.

Ewen said...

I knew it! That proves he's soft and you're 'the man' when it comes to training. It was a tad windy here too, and -1C apparent temp!

Txt me when you get here:

Sept - what dates?

Andrew(ajh) said...

Tell him to HTFU! Good on you for braving it!