Sunday, August 30, 2009

..older but not wiser

..yep it was my bday yesterday...
i had to work in the morning(and got pretty rained upon) i decided not to do the water run saturday(back was still extremely sore) so i decided another day of rest.... hten i cooked dinner for everyone.
How funny is this(my best gf always tells me off so i had to tell her this story-)

My family asked what time to come over- my response "6:30 -7" okay dad arrived at 6:10, ummm dad you do know its only 6:10..... (and then when im making the pizza-thats not pork is it jo, no dad its smoked chicken! im not an idiot.(my sis in law is muslim), nephew and niece arrive at 6:20, brother and wife arrive at 6:27,,,, yp every single one of them there early... lol... im sure thats not normal. and oh and noone but me had any alcohol-neice, nephew and sis in law are tea-totallers but usually my bro and dad have a few
..anyway all went well. then after they left i had many wines and fell asleep on the whatta party girl.
then this morning did the most boring thing on earth. water running for 70minutes...ughghghg that was tough!!!!!!!! but hte back felt good during it.. then went to a first bday party where i stood for the whole time :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

..thats a whole lotta tape!

..took the day off today-just knew that i couldnt manage work with how my back is. went instead and saw my physio(aunt-she is such an angel-shes massivel busy but will ALWAYS squeeze me in any day i ask her to at a moments notice)-she put some thing that sends a current through interferential (or something) -she did a very slight manipulation as she said she didnt wanna go in hard as it is massively inflamed.... imagine a block of wood on your back-thats about how moveable my back is at the moment...
i am now strapped up like an egyptian mummy. there is a bandage across the back parallel to the floor, then another a little higher, then a zig zag between the two(and done multiple times)-another naprosyn-no running for a few days-will head into water sat and sunday-have cancelled dinner tomorrow night(hadnt really got around to organising it anyway but after school i will really just want to come home and probably lay down-because i am
having the family over on sat night for my bday...
stu leaves tomorrow morning and i hope lexie his athlete goes very well :)
its silly cos its only 4 days but i will actually miss him!!!!! whatta loser i am.... lol

anyway gonna go-watching a dreadful tv

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...barney needs a smack

..barney is playing funny buggers at the moment...apparently i have been neglecting him...cos he is officially vying for my attention BIG time at the moment... barney(back) is so sore at the moment that i was a bit teary on the way home tonight(becomes extremely wearing when it is a LOT of consecutive hours) and IM not that soft! and believe me when i say this-i have a high tolerance for pain... i grew up for the first 10 years of my life with a sewing needle just sitting in the wall of my stomach!!!!!!!!(yep im serious!)(which i always described as a HOT tummy-WHEN I USED TO GET UP FROM BED AND COMPLAIN EVERY SINGLE NIGHT...LOL poor jojo...double lol), when i tripped over the chain last year(see gory photos and not to mention the time i got hit by a tram, had multiple bike crashes at 25km/h and walked away, smashed out teeth(2 plus fractured root of third-bloody expensive) on a kneeboard,too many stitches on other occasions , and ummmm well theres LOADS of others but people might start to think im accident prone, POINT is i KNOW pain, i know how to deal, this really wasnt very pleasant. Needless to say i took Naprosyn 750mg today-that helps and have had multiple wines :( i could barley get up otherwise without a whimper :( :( , had a committee meeting, where i also let someone know i didnt appreciate decisions being made and then being re-discussed based on information that later comes to light is incorrect!!!!!!
Thought i lost wallet-rolls eyes, at school knockouts today-felt like smacking an official-who after much discussion i said (calmly to her) that stated in the rules??? she got a bit fiery and retorted -well if you can find it somewhere, then YOU let me know- so i left and when and spoke with the person in charge. who came and sorted it(and YES, i was correct...i didnt go Na na ne nah nah, even though i felt like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL)

now where can i send barney on holiday so i can have a few days break from him....and YES i know its not possible-please just let me live in LA-LA land for five more minutes...
my birthday on saturday -old chickie that i am .. kinda winking.... old but not THAT old will be 37 years old
sorry-hope this doesnt come out a a whinge- not meant to be-had a relatively good day-theres just this ONE bUGGER of a thing at the mo

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


..and im not talking about me! my supposed hard ass of a coach wussed it because of the atrocious weather conditions today-it was like 7-9 degrees and bucketing down and windy as all hell... lol... what a pleasure...wasnt keen but i hadnt run last night due to parent teacher interviews so i tried to see if anyone else would venture out...yep ripper bel and clare joined me... set got switched-no way could 800,700,600,500,400,300,200,100 progressives worked tonight! set changed to up to 20x200 with 1 min jog recover in 38s
actual set: most were 39, a couple of 40s into wind, acouple of 38,one 37... starting to struggle at 10 reps so cut it short at 15x200.. shuffled recovery for all bar 2-so it was quite hard for me. 3lap warm up 3lap cool down about 1.5km shuffle recovery so 6.9ish km
-so stu and i went out to dinner-burger and chips at the local....
knockouts for the boys tmorrow so heres hoping they dont get cancelled.... supposed to be doing homework but having a tanty and really dont wanna
Ewen-a run sounds good...depends if i can disengage myself from the rugrats(as on camp one can be on duty literally 24/7)..but i'm sure i can work it in somehwere :)

quite pleased with myself getting a run in that weather..whatta agood little gal i am! but was sooooooooooooooooo cold(felt like i was cold to the bone) so i fugure the only way to warm up is a bath-that made me stop shivering at least

Sunday, August 23, 2009

...well that was different long runs are nearly always done on a sunday morning- its the only morning run for hte week(im not a fan of morning runs either-i feel a bit unco for a while
..anyway given my run was in the afternoon(albeit early) yesterday, and we had the boys, i suggested to stu that we go for an afternoon long run after we become a party of two instead of five(ie drop the boys off)- i couldve gone in the morning but given i am working 6 days a week, i REALLY wanted a sleep up at 8:30 so it was a good sleep in
..we went to smith st, we bough C and K some nice new sneakers, err we shopped so long i thought i was going to pass out i was so hungry!! the boys were going ;'we're hungry"- they couldnt have been as hungry as me!!!!! but i thought stu might smother me if i joined in the chorus!!!! i bought some lounge around fleecy trackies from Converse for $20 -well two pairs($40) and then it was get the third item half price, so yeah i got two navy and a light blue pair :) OMG they are so comfy!!!! id forgotten how lovely trakkies can be- i only have (had) those lightweight ones you wear outin public(and warm up in)
...anyway 5pm-ish stu and i went for our long run (75min plan for me)... i felt REALLY good during the run(i reckon cos it was hte arvo and im used to running in the arvo!) it was great...the terrain wasnt fabbo... i tried to run on grasss where possible and it was considerably uneven, very flat, a bit of wind on the way back averaged 5:33 pace-slightly(like 100m) LESS than 14km(biggest run for miss j for a while... parent teacher night tomorrow, so 5 days training this week, still should see high 38s for the kms
then out to dinner at the local chinese place(quite nice)-where hte lady really didnt want to get me water-asked twice-she forgot twice, so asked another girl and hit the

quite nice wine with dinner too... a nice weekend, lucky gal that i am..pity its only a day and half long!!!! 3 weeks and this little black duck is on holidays for 2 weeks, then on camp for a week during the holidays... BUT the camp is at the AIS which i reckon is pretty cool!

...well that was different

Saturday, August 22, 2009

...errr thanks

...Thanks for all the nice comments left after the last ..ummm shall i put it ...foul mooded,temperamentally hormonal little so and so! i particularly like ewens comment so yes i will stick to the 6 day program-even if he did lie about the being good he does know what times i run doesnt he!!!!! i run well enough for fun runners, average for AV athletes, not too bad for a chick my age, and slower than i would if i cut out all the crap i eat and drink(which would easily equate to 2-3kgs)

we'll see if i continue to improve next year

anyway today when the alarm went off and it was time to go to work...sigh.... i knew what my set for the afternoon was 40mins with 15 min tempo thrown on. Given the timings, i am not prone to running well today and things hurt a bit when i i contemplated a water run, i also told stu i might skip the tempo and just do a 40 min run... anyway decided to go to the Tan(am racing there in a month) did 11 mins to get to the start.had a drink, then took off..worked pretty to 2kms in 9:10 (including anderson st) and thought nup so i took a jog break for the next 250..stopped at a water tap and then walked for 20?metres telling myself i would do anothr km tempo(the watch was at 10:25) when i started walkin(and stopped it)(but on the way back it was 15s of jogging)took off again-got to the 1km and decided to keep going so 7mins of tempo... The funny thing is (if i hadnt stopped i probably wouldve only be 10s off my tan pb) lol..the lap including 230m jogging was 17:25 and the walking bit was only 15s (if i jogged)so that would be 17:40 and my pb is 17:33. I am hoping to well and truly BEAT that time when i race here in a month so that bodes well...i didnt feel like i was running well-it was a slog.. i think ill go back next couple of weeks for the same session(yet not stop) just to see where i am at

then met up with stu and the boys for red rooster..i have to be the worlds worst it was nice though!

and feeling inspired after last weekends facials, i used one of those peel off masks today..i might even give myself a nice foot treatment too... the poor little tootsies are feeling a bit pounded and in need of some TLC.
I dont think i will run at the YY tomorrow- this working 6 days a week at the moment means htere is not any sleep ins if i go, so i think i will sleep in and do a nice leisurely run somewhere closer to home
plan for next week-DRINK A LOT and i mean LOT more water-need to make sure that i have 2L during the day... i would be lucky to be having 500mls at the moment..and i have been noticeably thirsty...shhhhhush stu i know, im making a plan OK!!!!!

5 days training this week, 2 quality fast sessions,plus todays quality tempo- 38kms this week so a good week altogether of training(for me that is-i know thats small chicken feed to most people competing)..i just need to get over myself and be happy with what I have done and forget about other people
sorry im such a PIA

Thursday, August 20, 2009

...prone to over analysis only takes one person to mention something and i may think on and off about it(until i come up with a satisfactory answer for myself) for days, weeks, sometimes months
-the last little stewpot, happens to be the question as to whether i like running or not and how it appears sometimes on my blog that i do not... yes i know i talked about it yesterday, but i have a NEW perspective
todays thought process-(and yes stu you give me program and i can choose to follow or not- this is not a reflection on you in any shape or form-you are a great coach-ive pb'd every winter race bar one) its more an indictment on how i view things... and im a little.... well..errrr..ummmmm......errrrrr .....make up your own mind
... my program is a 6 day program... i never make 6 commitments and other things get in the way...barring sickness or parent teacher things, i train regularly 5 days a week. if i dont make 6(from my program) i feel like i have failed and am therefore negatively disposed to my week of running... (and i feel like quite a dedicated runner-particularly for a PLEB who isnt actually VERY good!!!!!)i dont run anywhere near the amount of kms other runners make(ave about 30-35kms) (i honestly dont have any more time i can give-work is f-ing crazy)
I know its really how I am looking at things... i feel like i fail EVERY week to meet what i should do.... i dont know if i need a 5 day program-with a session that is preferred but not essential-im SUCH a goody two shoes that i feel terrible if i dont fulfil- stu has said to me numerous times not to stress over it but i do
when do i feel good about running?????-when i race, because all season i have run extremely well... a few of the quality training sets, and the sunday runs when i run with groups. so dont think i dont love it, i love parts of it but i have gone in a fairly short period of 2 years of being a 2x week training + 1 racing(+ a few squash games) to 5 time running training and thats still not enough :(
oh yeah tonight set was 8x400s, windy and also going to have to do last 4 by myself so got changed to 4x400,4x300 approx 85ish sec... from the get-go i knew it wasnt pretty(yep coming up to that time of the month-always a bad training session a few days before) 85,87,86,85...OMG these hurt then 300s 60,62,62,63 all with 90s recovery(which felt like 30seconds) so i ran ok

anyway on another note, a lovely dinner with my lad, who i s'pose i like ;)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


..busy day-nothing knew there--miss j rolls her eyes... i seem to have a horrible timetable this semester-anyway no poit complaining -i do love my job but the workload is killing me at the moment..its 8:40 and i already cant wait to go to bed :(

no alcohol yesterday-poured a glass tonight, had about 2 sips and tippped it out(just didnt feel like it) im counting that as an AFD!!!! maybe i should draw it out for a few more days... nah!!!! we'll see

i went for a 39 min run...wasnt horrible but the legs were pretty damn heavy for the first 24 mins..i did train pretty hard last night! oh and im a wee bit over driving today 80 MINS to get to work today...hmmhmmm and hten about an hour to get home-yep ill just purse my lips and leave it at that
..tired and grumpy-dont feel like speaking really...sorry loveys...gonna go sulk and do my jogsaw before i go to beddy byes x0x0

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

...well that did surprise me

..stu told me my blog reads like i do not like running. That is pretty damn far from the truth. I love running, i love competing. however i have lots of times where i dont like sets, i dont like the run and im not feeling well or i am over tired and worked EXTREMELY hard. So now that that is cleared up i can talk runing again.
The set tonight was to get progressively faster with a 800/700/600/500/400/300/200 with 90s recovery
so this is what i ran
800 3:12 96s laps 4min/km
700:2:46 94.8s laps 3:57min/km
600 2:18 92 sec laps 3:50min/km starting to get tough
500 1:54 91.2s laps 3:48min/km
400 1:27 87s laps 3:37.5min/km
300 1:00 80s laps 3:20min/km
200 36 72s laps 3min/km

so i did what was asked. ran pretty well it was a fairly hard set but enjoyable enough.. i thik im doing 8x400s on thursday so i will like those two. The other thing about traiing over the winter is -i am a track runner-of course i dont like doing 5 min reps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! winter training is not really my type of training. i do it because it helps my summer season and i do it so i can compete ad i do it so i can get pbs-but it doesnt mean that i love winter..i am glad it is nearly over

all tuckered out(still from the weekend) no far off bed
big day tomz
gym- 5 on plus yard duty, atheletics training with the boys, then me running plus a meeting about a student... wheew definitely a early night

Sunday, August 16, 2009

im not 70% water

..after this weekend i am 70% alcohol...... ughghghgh some one had a few too many drinkies yesterday. friday night had to go to a committee meeting, then staurday morning junior athletics, you try warming up 250 year 7s...ughghgh htey do not listen(even with a megaphone-very annoying! then home then off to dayesford with 14 ladies from the club....

a few of us went and had a spa/hot bath thing at Hep*burn Spa and then home where we had facials(it was too busy to book in on the day) then a few champers, then out for dinner,(i had a lovely salmon)then back for more drinks-errrr and a bit of singstar(i am a dreadful
i think it was about 3.30 ish when we went to bed, and i awoke this morning ay 9:40-wow i never sleep in that late.
anway, it was absolutely BUCKETING down..and no body was looking like getting dressed so i wne tand got into my running gear(as i thought this might get the ball rolling) who wouldve thought with 15 people from the club there that my run this morning would be a solo one.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was flabbaghasted. ohhhhh and it was horrible..the first 20minutes i couldnt even get inot any rhthym. i did have to stop and wlak a couple of times. My head was throbbing-not fun!so i did laps of the lake-took a drink from something was rancid and i had to spit out d'oh i guess i shouldve heard the alarm bells when i had to pump it to get water out(it was about 100 years old) lol- it was disgusting.... and then from the lake up to hte main st was a huge hill so i walked most of that i ran 70mins but at least 6 or 7 of that was walking...
had a 2 min shower as i didnt realise we were supposed to out by 12 and i got back at 12-oops i was out by 12:15-then drove home tried to nap... then watching a doco ..and now it is now..NOW....NOW lol-sorry im being very annoying today..poor stu :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

yep leggies are still there even if they dont want to work

it OFFICIAL-my legs HATE me..not that kind of -blase you just sh&t me kinda thing, more the piercing look of ill get revenge
anyway the set today was 5x300(quite fast without being flat out- 58s)
i ran 57,57,57 and the legs were DREADFUL for the last two 60s,60s. The legs were wobbly like jelly after,,and i think i realised that this set is faster than i was doing last year(apart from hot 300s)

anyway, it is done now-very tired.lot going on at school.
we have a leaky house(not sure where from yet)-carpet damage in our room...depends on what caused it for whether we are insured for the damage(fixing it is not included) so it may be a broke little missy

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

a tough set

after racing on saturday, i alway knew tonihgt would be a tough set-my leggies just DONT recover quickly
teh set wwas 5x3min efforts with one min walk recovery 1 min jog-supposed to be 98s...was a little off-and way off what i did last week- felt like rubbish.... so much phlegm it wasnt funny-kept spitting afterwards and then i had to have a big cough and splutter at the end

not much fun tonight-but you knw what-i did it, and i did my gym session yesterday morning-it will all help i spose

Saturday, August 8, 2009

XCR09 sandown relays-a GUTBUSTER

-you may have picked up that i was a bit nervous about being in the first relay team(it is somehow different when you race singly(ie cos i have been in the first team nearly every week) but i was KEENLY feeling the pressure) i went and did number 2's 4 times once i GOT to sandown...ughghgh i dont love pre-races
and when i do my warm up i barely feel like i can even run... lol... i was as i said extremely nervous... running second leg. 2 years ago(the year i ran my previous 10km pb) i ran 28:38 for the 6.2km the year after that(back injury year) 29:04, last year 28:14- my garmin was uncharged so unsure how my pacing would go...
skip over if bored-RACE details
-start off-catch up to a western A's boy... start thinking hmmmmm pretty sure he's faster than me-maybe too fast, nah hes going slow -pull along side him ready to overtake, and then actually think... ummmmm jo- cam passed to him-hes too FAST for stu's team- DO NOT go ahead of him- then i kinda settled behind(and in the next km he easily pulled away) how bizarre is it, that in the first m you can be running prob 4min kms and it feels like 4:45!!! anyway the first lap was going ok- pulled away from people up the first grind(wont call it a hill) but it was also into a headwind-a dn it was kinda at this stage that i thought- OH SH&T i think i have gone out too hard- crossed the 3.1km in 13:37 and thought hmmmmm this next 3kms is gonna be toguh-cmon jo you can handle it...
ok got past where everyone could see me and i was NOT a happy camper-then i saw stu on the sidelines yelling something to me(and if i had more energy i may have veered wide and PUNCHED him(wasnt loving racing at this moment) went round the bend and into the headwind and YES HILL(where did that come from wasnt there FIRST lap)- it was at this stage i started thiking-ok so 13:37 lap first im going to do 14-14:30 min lap-still a pb(at one stage i thought i was doing 6min kms) .seriously struggling towards the end of the hill-breath RAGGED, had that MAJOR clenching in the belly(honestly though i would hurl) other thought s in my head were
'why am i racing, I hate it"
' i want to walk- i can't possibly finish"
'my belly really hurts- no really it really hurts-other voice-jo youre in the first team-you'd better keep your butt moving"
pulled into teh straight completely spent- had been shutting my eyes occasionally for about 2 or 3 steps at a time(like this would block out the horribleness)

tried to speed up a little(probably didnt -but i DID make an effort!)
finshed in 27:27 which is 47s faster than my pb from 3 years ago.. and whats funny is..they had loads of probs tryig to decide on teams because there is at least 5 of us who are super close every week.. the girl who i beat by 4 s at coliban(same leg)-but is a FastER runner than me was 1s behind me..the u16 girl beat me by 12s(she beat me by 4 sec at geelong-but im a better hill runner)
and the girls in teh other team- 2of them dead heated-how funny- not far behind us- but the teams were picked as they should have been.. wheew what a relief

-and yes i will be racing at the Tan
and OMG i hate it BUT i also LOVE it-way tuckered out..i seriously RACED as HARD as i completely spent..and stu beat me by 20ish seconds(as he should! cos he IS FASTER!)

Friday, August 7, 2009

..end of a long long weel

racing tomorrow.very tired today/
surprised at how sore my little leggies were after last nights set.
got there late after work commitments-initially was happy to hear 10x200 efforts(fast but not too fast 38ish seconds was hte plan)with a walk recovery(about 1:50s recov)
a new member of stus squad(200/400 runner starting with us)
i led the first one-35s then stu got to lead one (i was in trouble for going too fast) then the other girls led one ummmm 33.9(OMG they took off like rockets!!!!) and then stu led for a few-i was allowed to do one more(all of stus were 36) then i led one and did 35.x again..and then stu got very shirty when he was leading and because i felt good and i kinda surged past on one////ummmm yes not very controlled and I was IN trouble
-so my tired legs are probably deserved. stu decide to do a 34 on the last one so i decide to sit just back from him and i did a 34.x 200 which for this time of the season after doing 9 reps is kinda speedy!
bodes well for summer i reckon
im faster over 750m reps and im faster over the shorter reps! ALL good...

bad/annoying day at work today-people over reacting over TRIVIAL matters-i eventually sorted it out, but i did have to be QUITE assertive to stop a lot of friggin around(and it wasnt even me who had caused the issue in the first place!)
then dinner with stu and the boys-who were so well behaved tonight it was fabulous.-no fighting or bickering-all good!
it was nice and enjoyable

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

..ok that made me snort!

that heading is addressed to ewens comment from im lucky stu didnt drag me out of bed to go running on sunday .... 9he kept running for THe 6 weeks he was sick..yada yada yada(are you as bored as me
we ALL know im SOFT-but you know what-i can LIVE with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-anyway no running sunday or monday and wasnt sure how i would go today... still sniffly and not feeling great....
proposed set 5x3min efforts with 1min walk and 1 min shuffle recovery.after the warm up i requested a walk recovery as my breathing wasnt great(i also used ventolin as i tend to get a bit of exercise induced asthma when i have a cold) he said see how i go! start with walk and jog recovery(hmmm surprise...NOT)
so he said to aim for 96s laps(4min/km) BUT COULD DROP BACK TO 98S LAPS(PRETTY GENEROUS CONSIDERING LAST YEAR I WAS DOING 105-110S LAPS I SPOSE!)-oops caps lock.not yelling and too lazy to retype!!!!!
elyse(who also has a cold) and is a great little(and i mean little) running partner-literally sits on my hip and CANT be shaken!!!!! a couple of others droppped off for numerous reason so it was just her and i for the duration. we sat on 96s laps and really didnt drop off(a littel slower ont eh second lap) but we did remarkably well. i wa amazed.
then stu and i went out for dinner for date night(which really means we MUST go out for dinner) :) , then i marked a year 12 SAC and now a very quick blog

i have been allocated to the first team for the relay which is a bit scary-cos there are people in the 2nd team who are potentially faster but i have beaten this year(or for other reasons-ie medical are in the 2nd team)(but i am SURE it is because of the hills that i have beaten people!) id better run my A off this week as i wont be happy if i let the team down by not being in the top four fastest cos i shouldve been dropped otherwise...dont get me wrong-i have earned my spot-but that is through cross country racing-i MAKE up lots of ground on hills on those who are faster than me on the flat! oh well nothing wrong with running with a bit of the fear in your belly :(

Monday, August 3, 2009

..sick sick little pussycat

miss j has not been very well the last two days :(
that was always a chance after racing when i was sick. Sunday was not great, couldnt even walk around the store and shop very well-felt like i was going to faint...spent a lot of the day sleeping and then took the day off today as i still wasnt feeling very well(also have a stooopid cold sore!)
didnt run yesterday or today but hopefully will be back running tomorrow
-oh yeah-yesterday i bought a pair of new racers for next week-nike victory-the lunar racers hurt my feet too much at sandown last time
and well i just went shopping online-3 pairs of shoes for me-1 pair brooks adrenaline, 1 pair mizuno elixir, i pair nike free(5.0), plus one pair of mizuno wave rider for my delightful bf-all for $490 including shipping..not bad eh- considering my elixirs cost me $200 in aus and the brooks were the same! admittedly i hadnt quite budgeted on spending over 600 in shoes -but hey its done now!(i had been quite good lately)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

geelong XCR09 and a bucketload of driving

..mmmm not overly well today(probs didnt affect my racing though-not in the chest)...all snotty and head achey-been coming down with a cold since thursday :( didnt get home til after 11 last night(at a school play) and hten off to jells this morning for cross country followed by a drive to geelong where i struggled to not fall asleep.
when i got there and did the warm up i felt absolutely terrible.truly wasnt sure if i would even be able to complete the race!
decided to take hte first lap pretty easy(not easy, but slower than normal) and did the first 3kms in 13:50 and then started working through the was great to be overtaking people(particularly up hillls as i know im a good hill runner) i was a LONG way below two of the people from my club and then downhill i worked really hard and actually caught up to them..and with the end having a big hill i knew if i could be in front of them i would finish ahead. which meant, i made the first team-which im quite pleased with as in all of the individual events i have made the first team.
so negative split the 2nd lap 13:41 to run 27:31 A MASSIVE pb over 6km cross country, my previous pb over 6km cross country was 28:27 at jells earlier this year quite pleased with how
so only two more road relays for me-would be nice if i could pb those :( 28:12 for 6.2km at sandown and 17.34 for the Tan(i MUST be able to beat that)

and then had to go to a school function 280 KMS miss jo had to drive today-feel quite exhausted.stu didnt seem impressed when i said i would like to sleep in and skip the you yangs but i think it may be necessary(i might water run anyway)
oh yeah and the heel has been behaving this week