Monday, April 30, 2007

a cottage cheese craving.. what is WITH that

went water running today 30 mins then stretches then 15 mins so 45 mins.. actually felt a tiny bit tired at the it was nice to feel like i had had a sort of workout.. it was beautifully sunny.. still pretty boring... the most exciting part was when i thought maybe i should buy boy jeans..cos i dont go in at the waist and have small hips/butt.. ive put on some girls pants and it looks like im wearing jodpurs.. or if i buy the ones that fit my thighs/butt then theres muffin top.. its amazing how long you can think about this topic for....
you gotta remember i was running for a while..
i forgot my HR monitor so just had to go by feel..think i worked out harder..

and tonight im going on a pub crawl.. how decadent to go out on a school night

and the swimmers at the pool were very friendly.. this little goldilocks was able to tell these ladies about all of the local pools.... this one is definitely the best

at lunch felt like junk and then over-rode that ridiculous notion and went to Coles... whilst there, i had a cottage cheese craving ... SERIOUSLY... how weird is that. i dont even really like cottage cheese... but i am a person who gets many cravings.. the brussel sprouts one was probably up there with this one on an..even im surprised level ... oh and unbelievably the kilo and a half i had put on were only fakies..back to only 0.5 above my norm so i can cope with that


MorseyRuns said...

Hope your pub crawl doesn't end up with you crawling!

jojo said...

crawling ..i can cope long as there is no falling... 4 falls this year(2 not drinking..) trying to cap it at 4...

Anonymous said...

Ok Jo, what's going on?? I thought you hurt your back?? Fill me in as I am trying desperately to try and catch up in 5mins but it is not working, lol!