Saturday, April 14, 2007

jo takes a fall - just for a change

ok. so another post about not running....

went out last night..and would you believe it..fell over AGAIN.. thats 4 times this year.

I actually fell over backwards and cracked my head on the ground...derr jo! so i have a bruised noggin, elbow and knee (and maybe a little bruised ego) I really suck

back was a little sore today.. not sure if from the physio, the dancing or the falling..
whatever the reason I decided id better not risk the back. so no running today.. plays it safe..will wonders never cease :)

Presentation night tonight but i think i will drive.waaaaaaaaay too much drinking last night.

edit: yeah driving was a great idea. I smacked into a car whilst parking and had 3 little old ladies yelling at me..
ok kharma police... please tell me what I did wrong so I can make amends .... haha


MorseyRuns said...

How did you fall over?? I went A over T running yesterday too- must have been the day for it. Hope there wasn't too much damage to your car. No point shouting after an accident!

jojo said...

accident: i said sorry to the ladies and that it was my fault.. what more could i do.. I just had to suck it up
ummm. there might have been some alcohol involved with the falling over. although backwards and hitting head on the floor is BAD.

your fall: yeah i read that..sorry but i couldnt help have a little I have permanent scars on knees from ALL my falls