Monday, April 16, 2007

ok- maybe some people know more than me

ok.. so maybe i actually agree with Stu's comment yesterday.. and so today I paid attention to that advice(apart from the ...not training 2 days in a row part)
and i did a walk run...
800m walk 2km jog 400 walk 1.6km jog 400 walk 1.4 km jog and i kept it very slow.. didnt even take my watch

am a little sore.... but.. and it is a big but.... I was actually getting more sore just sitting around.. .and my physio did say sometimes movement helps.... and yes I know IM justifying.. which is why i decided to run....
..and yes I am a little sore now.. but not more so than i was before i left :(

have set the laptop on the ironing board...again.. IM not sitting around on my A as IM being a little nerdburger...
am not really in the greatest mood today. I am WAY over this stupid back
sooo bored yesterday I made a top to wear for puffing billy as it appears I will only to be able to 'cheersquad it' posted piccy right.. makes sure you wave at me


MorseyRuns said...

"I made it myself"- love the Ausrun top and yes you obviously have too much time on your hands- but at least you are using your sewing skills for good not evil, though you could make an ausrun cape if you changed your mind. Time for a swim instead of a run maybe??

Anonymous said...

Wow, we're certainly going to stand out at Puffing Billy aren't we!!