Wednesday, February 4, 2009

R.I.P Alfonsa

My grandmother passed away today :(

She was 94 years old and a remarkable lady- it takes a lot to truly impress me, and i have been impressed by this lady for as long as i can remember. She did amazing things throughout the 2nd world war , including working in the underground, and through her knowledge of 6 languages, managed to free her brother(and my grandfather to be) from a german prison..and many more tales too numerous to mention. And despite all these troubled times, she never became bitter, and was a loving person. We are all worried about my dad=who i think will take this quite hard.
I weny and saw my óma' last night, which was horrible yet nice at the same time.
Anyway- its been a tough week, pretty tired really- i dont like wishing time away but i really cant wait until this week is over.
R.I.P Alfonsa


Andrew(ajh) said...

I found it very hard when my Grandma passed away a while back, so I know how you're feeling. Sounds like she was a fantastic lady who will always be in your heart.

Keep your chin up.


Ewen said...

So sorry to hear that Jo. She sounds like a remarkable woman.

Anonymous said...

My condolences Jo, I don't subscribe to the "she had a good innings" consolation, no matter how old someone was if they were loved and cherished it is never easy to loose them.

Take care of yourself and your dad.

Anonymous said...

That sucks .... sorry for your loss ....

Eat Em

Anonymous said...

Big hugs Jo.

Take care