Wednesday, February 11, 2009

...can you die from boredom???

i sent stu a text this morning, asking if you can actually die from boredom-the people from my PD(professional development) were testing out this theory. OMFG-it was ABOMINABLE(and whilst that word usually makes me SMILE(cos i love the word) -it is the most APT word possible
errr let me re-iterate OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously! i am a MENTOR, and i need to know what needs to be done for her to get full registration...i dont need a WHOLE day of f$#cking AIRY fairy(cough prinary school type learning) think pair share F$cking annoying bullshit. SERIOUSLY. i am a professional, i can follow the words and i can f-ing READ.
anyway...way too much-read these two pages-share with the person next to you and then make a poster
err can you tell how annoyed i was!
anyway it got to the stage when we got to the crux of WHAT WE ACTUALLY needed and hes gone go off and read this and discuss.--and people are trying to decipher it- i have actually bitten the bullet and asked him to give us some CONCRETE examples of the evidence we need to get the mentors to provide rather than US trying to decipher it!!!!!!!!! and we all know how education documents are written-a whole lot of good overall thoughts(all big picture) without any of the implementation ie day to day minutia of what needs to ACTUALLY be done
..anyway he got quite flustered at this stage-and used the delay technique ...while i think of the ANSWER(as i dont know it at the moment) that ALL teachers know(*and yes we all knew he was doing it)
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr f-ing grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

my feedback(and it didnt ask for extra comments) but i decide to impart some thoughts anyway

---- the 'options' needed to be explained more fully with us being told what was necessary for our mentorees to fulfil their requirements, rather than us TRYING to decipher what is meant Als0 the think/pair/share technique was overused and hence became ineffective\\\

IM NOT A 2 YEAR OLD and DONT appreciate it when PROVIDERS are TRYING to PAD out freaking PD

OKAY rant OVER!!!!! (sorry guys :( ) i feel better now though

30 min water run this morning-and felt good


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree, as soon as we are given big textas and put into groups my mind shuts down.

Just give me the reading material and let me get the f#ck out of there, don't patronise me with the warm and fuzzy bullshit.

I'd love to see you and me in one of those sessions together LOL

Anonymous said...

So you had a fun, enjoyable day did you jo .... (I can make jokes to - just not funnt ones)

Eat Em

Anonymous said...

Ooh that sounded like a bad day.

Better ones coming up though I'm sure :0)

Andrew(ajh) said...

Nothing worse than going to training and having that sort of bullshit served up. The thing I hate most is when they waste ages at the start with dopey little introduction games "to get to know each other". The last thing I did we actually got to the first break (about 2 hours) and hadn't even covered any material.