Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh My God

..i actually cooked, and NOT only was it EDIBLE, it was actually nice/how about that! i cooke d anice healthy lasagne(yes it is possible-low fat mince(bit of worcestershire sauce)-quite a few vegies in with diced tomatoes and lotsa herbs and then low fat ricotta on each layer and then only a sprinkling of tatsy cheese on top

decided to have a rest day(it was an option and im contempaltinf running that bushfire charity run fri..and besides which-my foot is EXTREMELY sore-almost like when it was sore for many months?????????? hopefully not that again

sooo much HOMEWORK tonight-just stopped a minute ago(didnt finish but eyes have gone googly


Anonymous said...

It must have been some weird karmic shift because I usually cook quite well and last night was a total disaster in the kitchen, just don't know where I went wrong LOL

MorseyRuns said...

Just catching up on your news mate- sorry to hear you had such a shit of a run the other day, hope you have sorted it out in your head for next time (and maybe your coach learned a few things too!) Dinner sounds good! We should catch up when I get back?

Andrew(ajh) said...

I love lasagna with ricotta (also nice with a bit of spinach).