Saturday, February 28, 2009

..grumble bum

..its official..i am such a grumble bum at the moment...anyway....................

i decided NOT to race the 4km bushfire run last night-REALLY wasnt up to it-was still feeling average...anyway so a bit of shopping and then met stu and the rugrats at OP for hot chicken rolls for dinner
..i left earlier than them and went home and not really but as mentioned, i was grumpy
the session today(which i MUCH MUCH MUCH wouldve preferred to have done at the track but was unable to ) ended up being 4x250s at the Tan pretty much flat out(always slower at the Tan :( ) the ground a bit moveable and many people to dodge and weave through and running way wide...but i did make sure each rep was slightly declined!!!so 44,46,46,46 with a long break between (1km worth of reps taking 3:00 min)
then off to watch claire who i train with run a great pb in the 1500(faster than ive actually run this season, and i train substantially faster than her, but then my 1500s are slower this year than last year :(

then home , played PLAY DOH with K and now awaiting my dinner to turn

oh yeah ewen-i had that thought as well... i am training in clodhoppers at the mo to see if that makes any difference, havent been training in racers or spikes for the last week..and my feet arent feeling quite so bad

..tomorrow is going to be a trial in logistics as stu and i both fit in runnning(me an hour-stu about hour and half), whilst one of us watches the boys and i also have to have left home by 10:30 so i can do some discus practice before being in the discus RELAY

Thursday, February 26, 2009

oops tuesday 24th feb

as stu pointed out-i forgot to do this day(and he only cares cos this one is about training!)
anyway tues...
worked really really hard at school so i wouldnt have homework and stu and i could have our 'date night' -we normally go out to dinner on tuesdays-our fave is duyen duyen -yum

anyway training: proposed set: 3 lap w/up,4strides,2x1km@ 100s laps(4:10min/km), mailto:3x800@98s laps(4:05min/km) and 3-4 lap cool down

4x100strides plus 3x100 doing drills so had done 2km before starting
1 km: 4:03, 2nd km-cant remember but it was about 4:07,
3x800s 3:14, 3:17,3:16 im pretty sure they were the times-close enough anyway

and 4 lap cool down-coped pretty well but one of the juniors LITERALLY whinged the whole time(and she was doing a much much reduced set-at one stage ive gone,.... "listen, im doing an extra lap than you EVERY time so i dont want to hear how hard your set is-go and talk to stu about it(he'd already spoken with her) usually very tolerant of her, but it was extremely annoying on tues..i like the girl but it really was over the top-the other junior even mentioned something to stu about how much she had complained

anyway:i have taken the day off work today-felt average yesterday-went to bed at 9:30(which is super early for me) and when i woke up this morning, it felt like i hadnt slept a minute(even though i had) I was so extraordinarily tired and just feeling not well so i took today off. feel a bit guilty-been up for an hour and already considering going back to bed

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

..tuckered out jojo

..very tires and kinda sore today..foot is giving some serious grief-think its the same as what i ha dlast year-will wait for a week or so to see if it goes away-my tootsies have been very tender and sore for a while(it would be nice to wake up without teh first though being ouch my feet hurt) but this is worse than that

..anyway long day at work- followed by a run where i decided to up the pace a little around the tan-not fast fast but a bit faster than a usual recovery run.... so ran it in 19:41 as part of my 35 min run which was followed immediately by a pilates session. gosh the legs were drained.i find it particualrly hard to do pilates straight after a run-it becomes then over an hour of exercise and then a quick dinner with my dad, then home to a bath and a VERY early night is on the cards tired -too tired and a bit grumpy

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh My God

..i actually cooked, and NOT only was it EDIBLE, it was actually nice/how about that! i cooke d anice healthy lasagne(yes it is possible-low fat mince(bit of worcestershire sauce)-quite a few vegies in with diced tomatoes and lotsa herbs and then low fat ricotta on each layer and then only a sprinkling of tatsy cheese on top

decided to have a rest day(it was an option and im contempaltinf running that bushfire charity run fri..and besides which-my foot is EXTREMELY sore-almost like when it was sore for many months?????????? hopefully not that again

sooo much HOMEWORK tonight-just stopped a minute ago(didnt finish but eyes have gone googly

Sunday, February 22, 2009

.. well thats a bit more enjoyable

..stu and i were pressed for time today as we wanted to go watch narelle run at OP. so we organised it so stu would run half hour around home, then we would go pick up blair, pick up another runner on the way and be at the youies by eight so both stu and i could get in 20-30 mins b4 we run with the kiddies..that would have been fine except the 2nd guy was 20min late and apparently oblivious as he didnt even apologise..i was NOT happy-it also meant that my planned run of 50-60 and i always planned to do closer to 60mins had to be cut short and run about 50 mins a 52min run followed by strides at the end..stu has decided i need to do this at then end of all slow runs
much more enjoyable than yesterdays run..5:30 pace-but 5:30 pace at the youies is not 5:30 pace along roads etc-a bit more like 5:20 i reckon
..then off to watch narelle get a silver medal..woohoo,another boy from W.Aths get a bronze and another boy get a gold..oh and also got to see Tamsyn having a bit of fun in the 100m and 400 hurdles-both of which she won!!!!
then i saw a girl form coburg -who was quite upset that she only got a gig in the relay cos someone dropped out, even though she was faster than other girls..not my business-but i gave her a hug(as she was a bit teary) and told her not to let that stuff bother her-she deserved to be in the team and to run as fast as she could
then to market-super tired-so a quick kip.we are having salmon for dinner..yum

broke the healthy eating a tad with a fish bite,scallop calamari and a few chips but sundays are allowed for that kind of thing-i didnt go crazy

Saturday, February 21, 2009

..miss jo absolutely CRACKS it

..yep ...i was as close to having a tanty at the track as i have EVER been-there were tears very very close to the surface
..basically i believe that the set stu set me was too hard-on my fourth rep he wanted me to run 600m at my race pace which if it is so hard to do during a race, im hardly going to be able to do it in training-anyway-he was not folding at all on this one the proposed set(remember my 800m race pace is 40s per 200) and the actual
-there was a horrible horrible wind(when isnt there-but it was NOT nice and NOT conducive to good training

propsed 600m at 43 per 200 (2:09min) actual 2:13 42/45(wind)/46 shit really
proposed 400m at 40 per 200 actual 81s
proposed 400m at 40 per 200 actual 81 but started wheezing at the 300-fell onto ground at the end and still wheezing for a long time-just COULDNT GET ANY AIR) stu as always not very compassionate-the noise i was making trying to breathe was horrible
proposed 600 at 40s per 200-i told stu NO way could i manage this...i was NOT happy
2:10 for the 600-10s behind what it should have been(wasnt talking to stu anymore)
proposed 2,3 x 200s at 45s with 200 float recovery
actual 38,40,41 with the diagonal as a shuffle float
felt like complete rubbish during and after-
so all up 6.3 of the toughest kms

anyway the less said the better

Thursday, February 19, 2009

...ooooh ooooh hard session but good

..okerly dokerly-so im doing pretty well at this healthy eating plan,
vita brits with rice milk
snack: rice crackers with roasted capsicum dish
lunch:2 large slices bread(schwwobbs) with capsicum dip.lettuce.cheese.alfalfa and chilli
snack:half slice bread at track as feeling a bit weak
dinner:naughty jojo-garlic pzza with stu stu and then a fettucine matriciano (i always order pizza-so its a start)
and a coupla wines of course...and my darling bf bought me dinner(he is a sweetie) errr cos miss jo cant find her wallet
..been doing silly stuff today..realised i had an extra period 4 today NOT period 5, started running didnt quite see the bin which was STUPIDLY put next to my desk- LOL-at least i managed to stay on my feet a dufus miss jo is

oh yeah runninng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oosa daisy
plan :all these 600s ,800s 400 etc and the legs were feeling hideously faitgued(i kid you NOT)-i put all my leg weights at pilates(which was haaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrdddddd work mannnn!) walking up stairs today, i was like...what the........ uh oh dats not good jojo

so i emailed stu:
'leggies very very fatigued. Im sure i already know your answer-but any chance of switching sat and thursday session? both session get done still..yada yada ... and he decide it ws actually better for his group to do speedwork-too awesome(although not looking forward to sat... so 5x200 pretty much flat out(which at training is 2s being what you run in a race)

anyway ran 33.8, 33.2, 33.6, 33.5, 33.03 so around 2:45 min/km

one of the girls i ran with almost puking-same race time as me-but my start slows me down and her crouchie speeds her up so she was working WAY harder than me(she kept up very well!poor chickie she is only 13 and it was a tough tough set)-we worked really really well together

anyway glad its friday-but it has been a quick week

oh and ajh-i do enjoy my job-i do have my moments though(and im ALWAYS tired)-its not always the easiest job in the world

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

..lotsa stuff going on today was good... my period one class was great-did an activity that the boys LOOOOVED-it was a bit of a comp and cheering and all!!!!

so work finished(eventually) and then it was busy time til right now(and im about to go start marking my test)
-the off to see karen(sports doc) and clinical pilates-managed to squeeze in 25 mins b4 hand

anyway-whilst running i decided to think more about this pushing off with the back foot thing more. VERY difficult in the complete upright position i run in-no wonder i cant push off-literally my legs do ALL the work-lazy glutes.. anyway witha slight tilt forward -i was definitely pushing off with the back foot more-mentioned this to karen who said maybe i should go see Tony Benson- he looks at your running for,/video tapes it and goes through it with you... not sure

anyway dry needling- was NOWHERE near as bad as usual(exceot one which was horrible) i know my back used to be bad-cos Karen said to me never forget what youre back was like when you first came in(and kindaa shakes her head)
anyway very pleased with my back-also reminded me(as always its a lifelong management plan..sigh-yes thats pretty depressing
..clinical pilates was good-managed the session with all the increased weights

-then home-cooked a big fritatta which had pumpkin/potato/bacon/zucchini/capsicum/onion with a huge salad and some corn.. nice and healthy on my healthy eating plan:
brekky-up and go-banana flavour
snack-rice crackers with small amt of beetroot
lunch- sorj bread with turkey/alfaflfa/tomato/cheese and beetroot dip
snack- grapes while cooking dinner
dinner fritatta , salad and corn
and only one coke zero

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

OMG.. what the......

seriously man....what is stu trying to do me????????????????????

he is the most lovely bf EVER but........................................................

as a coach he can be pretty damn mean

prescribed set 3x1km @4:10min/km pace(100s laps) then 2x800 at 98ish sec laps(4:05min/km)

..i had voiced concern to stu that since this is my first long session since last week, i would struggle-but he was "like give it a go"

anyway once at the track, it was superbly windy as it tends to be at the track(ya gotta go there if you wanna become accustomed to wind) so i said to stu(as i was WORRIED about this set) can i change this to 5x800- he even agreed due to the wind(which didnt even exist no doubt in the east-where miss jo used to train!!)

so my 800's were
3:10(90/100 way too fast first lap)
3:15(94/100) OMG how tire was i at this stage??????????????
3:16 (95, 101) Loren started doing afster 1st and 2nd laps-still basically hitting time
3:11 (95/96)

so did pretty well but gee...tough tough tough..
and interestingly(well for me!) my new massage therapist mentioned last time she saw me run-that i dont push off from my feet-just work my thighs(no glute work) so today during the supposed FLOAT i tried to 'push off'
seriously there was ' NADA 'push' on the left side..(that is more strapped than the left-the whole point of the strapping is to do some of the glute work but it inhibits(i think) some of the power-anyway 'now ' is not the time to FRIG around worth it as a week off training at mo would significantly affect my training- rest after 29March)

had a REALLY GOOD DAY AT WORK TODAY..felt like i taught well- had some energy-which is vastly diff from last week (i blame the being sooky la la )

Monday, February 16, 2009

..a long long day of work

ughghgh left home this morning at 6:30, got home from work 9 ish

parent information night-glad its over

anyway-managed to sneak in a 30min water run..was really pleasant actually..backs kinda sore so it is def the right decision- no way am i gonna avoid the dry needling on wed :( :( :(

and managed to get hours and hours of homework done- a productive if INCREDIBLY boring
am going to eat healthy til easter. there is a certain amount of weight i want to lose but i need some added motivation-anyway im not overly motivated to lose the weight(yet) but i am motivated to eat healthy(and i have an idea about what might help to motivate me)
ciao bellas-and thanks for all your support over the last two weeks-it was MUCH appreciated

Saturday, February 14, 2009

a pb and an SB and a SHIELD premiership

okay Ewen-in answer to your question,my track season is about to ramp up- my goal for the 4,8 has always been vic masters champs 28/29 March, there is a milers 12 march for me to race, and trying to find a 3km so there is a little ways til the end of my track season :)

so today, minded the littlest rugrat K-he is a bit of a cutie and then left him with stu about 1:30 and headed off to meadow glen for the shield final
im in for the shot put and the 400m(which wasnt til 6pm-d'oh
realised it was around the corner from my bro's so asked if he wanted to come and it was nice that he and nadia did
anyway i carried on and was VERY silly when i pb's in the shot .///by i was like 2nd last so the other girls didnt think i was being a show off!!! my other two throws were less than 6m (6:47 woohoo)
time for the 400-gee it hurts to come out of the blocks-i groaned but it was a much better start than usual, only had 2 other girls in my heat(even though a heat of 8-it was 2 heats in one-if that makes sense)-when i came into the straight, jeepers creepers it was windy(maybe -4 or something?????)-anyway it was like hitting a wall- beat one girl lost to one girl -ran a great time for me 67.9 which is my fastest for the season..and considering the condition, bodes EXTREMELY well for the masters
previous SB was 68.10
won the shield final, our div 2 women did...woohoo a good day, been at my bros-having a champers now

Thursday, February 12, 2009

..sigh....well i guess im pretty consistent

..did the milers meet at OP today
wanted sub 2:40(kinda 2:380s stu said to aim for 2:36 but i knew it wouldnt happen-particularly as it really was quite windy.. plan 1st 200, 37 400 at 77 then 39-40 and 39-40

sounds reasonable. in the first 200, i tried to be restrained-too much so-38s... and errrrr i was actually 15 ish m behind-yep way way last-oh goodie
so mostly run by myself-noone to tuck in behind for the wind :( went through in 77, but couldnt maintain, 1.59 at the 600 and then into the headwind in the stright-but i did come across a girl who was practically running surged-so did she and kept ahead of me- d'oh...ok regroup, one more surge, she tried to come but couldnt quite, so i did beat her and NOT come last...yay
2:40.29 :(
bit disappointed that its not sub 2:40, but if i put it in perspective, it is my second fastest race of the season, and my last 4 races have been 2:42,2:41,2:39,2:40 so im definitely a 2:40 runner this year- last year i was running 2:44s mainly, then a couple of 2:42s. then 2 excellent races 2:38 and 2:34
..still got a way to go to get back there

tired now- almost beddy byes for jojo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

...can you die from boredom???

i sent stu a text this morning, asking if you can actually die from boredom-the people from my PD(professional development) were testing out this theory. OMFG-it was ABOMINABLE(and whilst that word usually makes me SMILE(cos i love the word) -it is the most APT word possible
errr let me re-iterate OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously! i am a MENTOR, and i need to know what needs to be done for her to get full registration...i dont need a WHOLE day of f$#cking AIRY fairy(cough prinary school type learning) think pair share F$cking annoying bullshit. SERIOUSLY. i am a professional, i can follow the words and i can f-ing READ.
anyway...way too much-read these two pages-share with the person next to you and then make a poster
err can you tell how annoyed i was!
anyway it got to the stage when we got to the crux of WHAT WE ACTUALLY needed and hes gone go off and read this and discuss.--and people are trying to decipher it- i have actually bitten the bullet and asked him to give us some CONCRETE examples of the evidence we need to get the mentors to provide rather than US trying to decipher it!!!!!!!!! and we all know how education documents are written-a whole lot of good overall thoughts(all big picture) without any of the implementation ie day to day minutia of what needs to ACTUALLY be done
..anyway he got quite flustered at this stage-and used the delay technique ...while i think of the ANSWER(as i dont know it at the moment) that ALL teachers know(*and yes we all knew he was doing it)
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr f-ing grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

my feedback(and it didnt ask for extra comments) but i decide to impart some thoughts anyway

---- the 'options' needed to be explained more fully with us being told what was necessary for our mentorees to fulfil their requirements, rather than us TRYING to decipher what is meant Als0 the think/pair/share technique was overused and hence became ineffective\\\

IM NOT A 2 YEAR OLD and DONT appreciate it when PROVIDERS are TRYING to PAD out freaking PD

OKAY rant OVER!!!!! (sorry guys :( ) i feel better now though

30 min water run this morning-and felt good

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

..a couple of days just 'being'

..yesterday was a tough day for this little cookie bean :(
grandmothers funeral(so lucky to have stu there-he is a honey-i think ill keep him ;) ) my reading went well-although dad got confused and read my first paragraph from the pew -which i just kinda regrouped from-lol and then OOOPS i accidentally grabbed the wrong booklet and then dad was all stressed and ukmmmm that would be because miss jo had grabbed the book with the eulogy!!!!!d'oh-jojo you suck!
..however, watching the inter-ment was quite traumatic.... didnt run later that day-i was just feeling completely wiped out and exhausted-those emotions are more tiring than a LONG run

-was still feeling a bit down today-so it was kinda a crap day at school-no extra energy and really just trying to finish the day

..then went to training(was feeling better than last week(when i was faint b4 i started!)) where i did 6x 400s at 1500 pace(92s) with a 100m walk followed by 100 slow jog,then back into it. it was into a MOTHER of a was SHITE, so was working harder than intended-but not ridiculous like last week-didnt dry retch for 10mins after like the HOT 300s last week(grumble grumble)
ran 91, 93(but someone stopped dead in front of me and i had to jump onto the grass or bowl them over so i lost a bit of momentum) 92 91 90 88

Sunday, February 8, 2009

..region finals

..well i got to sleep in whilst stu went to the you-ies as i had to race today-which means my training program is completely skewiffed
..then pottered around home-did a ga-zillion amount of washing, had two pieces f toast and BEFORE i knew it, it was time to headly off to the track-probs ahdnt eaten quite enough- was in the 1500 and shot but found out that im also in the discuss
..OMG-i suck at discuss
i did a NoThrow into the cage-lol... and then i was all nervous about getting a throw in so i did a baby one next-13ish metre-lol and then for my final thow-i saw one lady who had 14.9 so im like ok gotta beat that-go 14.98 so im like woohoo , then go look and she got 17m on the first one dóh
the whole time im at discuss was stressed about getting to the 1500 as they said htey were running early and then turned out WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY late
errrr the 1500 today was not about time-it was only ever about position-which is fortunate because i was lack lustre and only kinda tried as hard as i need to-
in our division, there was 3 Wes Aths girls, a preston girl(who i know is slow) and then a williamstown girl who i know nothing i know, our one and two runners will blow everyone in div 2 away, anyway turns out i was way ahead of the girl i needed to beat, so i did a couple of checks and didnt bother too much-even when a div1 preston girl(that i NEARLY0 alway beat started to go ahead of me ..i kind awent, nnnnyah not my you
so whilst a 5:58, i couldve gone faster if required, but considering i wasnt feeling fabbo(heavy legs and feeling slightly faint) i did what needed to be done and we came 1,2,3
..then shot put -didnt throw well at all 5.46,.10, 6.10 which was 3rd in div 2

and then off for a long cool down..since my long run was out the window this morning(and unlikely to run tomorrow(funeral) i had to try to makeup today
.. so in the ened
12 min warm up b4 1500 +6min 1500 +30mins with clare plus 15 mins with belinda in dribs and drabs made up63mins , not including strides, anmd not including all teh times i ran back and forwards across the middle of the field =checking when events starting etc!!! so in the end -i got the equiv in..and my feet HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURT now

sore sore little tootsies-as i said to stu(he didnt think it was funny though) my feet are divorcing me -theyre not happy and feel a bit taken for granted(they have now been sore on teh balls(lol-yes i did say that) since the first week of jan

Saturday, February 7, 2009

..crikey mikey

our house is an absolute oven!!!! stu and i left the house before we were two cooked little gooses(yes geese) went shopping-bought 3 tops and just hung around the shops b4 we went to see a movie with clint in it
..bit funny-im standing there talking to stu when i hear over the loudspeaker-can joanne ................... please come to the so and so shop.... err some silly miss had left her purse on the bench
i was busy trying to see the pictures i had printed for my grandmothers funeral and not thinking about purses and the like. I will also be doing a reading on monday too.

anyway stu and i went out last night and got a wee bit errrrrr drunk with a couple from warrnambool who will be moving to melb soon..yay... lol...we dont know what time we came home...but have been a bit tired all day running today- am racing in the region final tomorrow-the 1500m (not my fave event) but would be hoping to go below 5:40 and then shotput-anything over 6m is reasonable for me..and probs wont run on monday(funeral) so training is a bit off, and no sunday long run since im racing

thanks for all your kind comments and well wishes..fortunately i have a lovely lad who is tring to be nice to me-but it does go against the grain ;) lol

OMG though i have to be better and not make stupid jokes or think about what im saying'

a friend of mine asked me yesterday how oma was-and without thinking ive just gone dead- he was a bit taken aback
..and when stu got asked to be a pall bearer i said to him..gee the family must have accepted you-theyre letting you carry my dead grany! its terrible... not that she would get upset over that- but you know ..its kinda in bad not joking about her... smack on bottom for miss jo

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

R.I.P Alfonsa

My grandmother passed away today :(

She was 94 years old and a remarkable lady- it takes a lot to truly impress me, and i have been impressed by this lady for as long as i can remember. She did amazing things throughout the 2nd world war , including working in the underground, and through her knowledge of 6 languages, managed to free her brother(and my grandfather to be) from a german prison..and many more tales too numerous to mention. And despite all these troubled times, she never became bitter, and was a loving person. We are all worried about my dad=who i think will take this quite hard.
I weny and saw my óma' last night, which was horrible yet nice at the same time.
Anyway- its been a tough week, pretty tired really- i dont like wishing time away but i really cant wait until this week is over.
R.I.P Alfonsa

Sunday, February 1, 2009


got some bad news today. my 'oma' (grandmother) has had a fall, and potentially a stroke. prognosis is not good-dad thinks maybe a few days, but there is a very slight possibility it could turn around, dad has asked us not to come and visit as he thinks seeing her in that state is not a good a bit down really-a bit teary

ran half hour yesterday, and 1 hour today-feet are still very sore-been sore on the balls for a while(nothing to worry about-just lots of racing in spikes last 3 weeks)
well we went to warrnambool-read stu's blog for longer version
i volunteered and helped out for an hour yesterday, and about 2 1/2 hours today ferrying sheets back and forth before i got told off! apparently i behaved unethically. i am really quite annoyed with this turn of phrase-im a volunteer -at no stage was i told if someone asked to see the sheet i was carrying that i could not show them. anyway one of the people from my club asked(and HOW am i supposed to say no-and why would i anyway?????????????? its about to be public notice anyway? but she did make a ruckus bcos her daughter came 8th which then meant other people heard-and then i got told off when i went to the office-i was flabbergasted and extremely annoyed-unethical-bull crap-maybe not appropriate(well maybe if i had been TOLD previously) but UNETHICAL, i think not. How dare she cast aspersions as to my morals/ethics. So i went to give stu the heads up before he got called to the office as team manager-no i am not joking
anyway-it wont happen again- a) i did not have a KID competing-so really was just doing it out of generosity! and b) i wont be volunterring again-i am too unethical! if it was a schools comp and someone asked for results-it would be shown to the other teachers!
-had considered taking stus non competing sons to the beach during the day-but given when stu isnt around, they dont exactly listen to what i say, it wasnt going to happen.

anyway-it HAD and i repeat HAD been a really good weekend, up until half hour before the end, and then i got the phone call about my grandmother- so feeling a bit blah, yet trying to gee myself up for the first day with most of my classes