Wednesday, December 3, 2008


..have just put my reporst down for the night- will do some before school tomorrow :(
i was working out-just the form teacher reports(not my subject reports) ended up being over 10,000 words in total(more than 350-450 words per student)-no wonder they are taking so damn long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
think about how long you took last time you worte a 10,000 word essay
...anyway as Stu so BLUNTLY told me-i can hardly complain given all my holidays...but i have literally been working my ass of the last week..still RIDICULOUSLY tired... :(
..busy busy all day reading reports and correcting and writing since 7:30,teaching classes, parent meeting straight after school, followed by pilates(which was a shit session cos i felt like rubbish- and it was very bizarre..when i walked in, i noticed how sore something on my foot is) anyway after pilates i made the decision to NOT run..stu had me down to run 45-50mins but it just couldnt happen...but i wish he would take into account my overwhelming tiredness during report time..i think next year he may have to be a teensy bit more accommodating..
..anyway since i hate to miss a session. i somehow persuaded myself as i drove past the Tan to get out and go for a run. first 10 mins -terrible -foot super sore but at about 11 mins started to go of the run seriously AVERAGE..stopped at just wasnt feeling good-even my right glute was sore- i seem to be very NIGGLY at the moment
..anyway after pilates, 30mins seems to be well THATS ALL I COULD MANAGE
..sorry for all the whinging, going to finish my vodka,,,try to unwind a bit and then go to bed


Ewen said...

Especially when you have to spell check about 9,000 of those words ;) Last time I "worte" a 10,000 word essay was in my ancient school days.

Anyway, I'm impressed you stopped and did that seriously average run. Even the average sessions help. It's one more towards being able to beat me in the 15 and 3 :)

Andrew(ajh) said...

Feeling your pain ... my work is pretty horrible at the moment too!

Kathy said...

Honey, the kids and their parents will appreciate your effort, even if they don't think to tell you. Remember how your parents poured over your reports! Think how lovely it is to see your old school reports nowadays (even the bad ones, although I have to admit I was a "good" child).
It is well worth the blood, sweat and tears. Stu may never understand but there are many of us who do and who salute you!
Those kids are damn lucky to have a teacher who cares!